BP scout attains rank of Eagle

Liam Tena, son of Leonard and Angie Tena of Bethel Park, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at BSA Troop 228’s Winter Court of Honor held Jan. 20 at the Bethel Park Community Center. In attendance was State Representative Natalie Mihalek, who presented Liam with a Congressional Citation. Liam has been a member of Troop 228 since starting Cub Scouts in 2008. His Eagle Project was completed in April of 2018, and he successfully passed his formal Board of Review on Sept. 26. For his Eagle Project, Liam coordinated the construction of a three-bin composting system to benefit the gardening area and seventh- and eighth-grade science programs at Independence Middle School in Bethel Park. The composting bin will give the school a way to recycle plant-based waste, such as grass clippings and certain food scraps. It will also provide compost to be used in both the school’s green area and in educational projects by students of the school when learning about decomposition and environmental science. The bin is 12 feet by 4 feet and includes three sections separated by chicken wire with removable front slats, as well as educational laser-engraved signs. Prior to construction of the project, Liam’s extensive research included visits to working school and community gardens as well as an interview of a landscape architect. Donations from friends, family and local businesses helped bring the project to fruition, a feat that could not have been accomplished without the hard work of volunteer scouts and leaders at the construction site.