BP senior earns Girl Scout Gold Award

For her Girl Scout Gold Award, Eliza Albenze, a senior at Bethel Park High School, educated the citizens of Bethel Park and neighboring communities on the importance of recycling and donating. She partnered with Berkshire Hathaway Realty and Republic Services at Bethel Park Community Day to distribute magnets and materials with the new recycling policies, as well as interact with people and answer questions. Eliza gave a series of presentations at Bethel Park Lions Club, The Rotary Club of Bethel Park and a local Boy Scout pack. These presentations were based on recycling, the new recycling polices, and how to recycle properly. She distributed handouts and magnets as well as answered questions at these events. Eliza also reached out to local organizations that take donations to compose a pamphlet identifying those organizations and items that can be donated along with a small excerpt about recycling. These pamphlets are being distributed by Berkshire Hathaway Realty and Howard Hannah Realty to new and existing clients. She hopes her efforts start a greater awareness for the correct recycling procedures and being able to donate household items instead of filling up landfills. She supplied the Bethel Park Municipality with the remaining magnets and pamphlets, which are available to anyone who is interested. Eliza has been a member of Bethel South Girl Scout Troop 50647 since kindergarten.