5 Things You Need To Know This Week
Bethel Park High School will hold its Fall Orchestra Concert on at 7 p.m. Nov. 16, in the Bethel Park High School auditorium on Church Road. The free concert will feature performances from the freshman, string and chamber orchestras. The concert is free.
Peters Township announces the fall leaf collection schedule. Leaves will be picked up Monday through Friday, through Dec. 1. There will be no pick up Thanksgiving week. Leaves must be in paper leaf/lawn bags. Leaves in plastic bags will not be taken. The collection of leaf waste will take place on the same day your garbage is collected. Leaves must be out by 6 p.m. of your pickup day. During this period, grass clippings should be in plastic bags. Only leaves should be in the paper bags.
Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, announces its Annual Chanukah Toy Drive for hospitalized and underprivileged children. Bring new and unwrapped toys, such as puzzles, games, art supplies, Legos, Duplos, dolls, play food and kitchen items, baby toys and more, to 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon, between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, through Dec. 11. For more information, call 412-278-2658 or email barb@chabadsh.com.
Saint Elizabeth Elementary School, Baldwin, is selling 2018 Lottery Calendars. The calendars are $30 with daily payouts of $50, nine days with a payout of $100, and two days at $150. Winners are determined based on the evening PA Lottery Pick 3 number — straight hit, first draw only. To request a specific number, contact the school office at 412-881-2958 or lbechtol@st-elizabeth.org.
Peters Township is seeking applications from residents interested in serving on one of the township’s advisory boards. Currently, there are vacancies on the Peters Township Sanitary Authority, Cable Television Board, Environmental Quality Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board and the Peters Township Youth Commission. Those interested should send an email or letter of interest along with a resume to: Paul F. Lauer, Township Manager, 610 E. McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317, or PFLauer@peterstownship.com.