Images of America: Canonsburg, exterior photo courtesy Martin Estep, interior photo courtesy Weller Studios (
The worst disaster in Canonsburg’s history came on Aug. 26, 1911, when 26 people lost their lives at the Morgan Building Opera House, located at Pike Street and Central Avenue. The building had been opened since 1890, offering a variety of entertainment. During an early-evening film presentation of The New Church Carpet, a spectator misinterpreted a spark that had been displayed from the movie projector. There had never been any actual danger, as a new fireproof projection booth had been installed six months prior to the events of the tragedy. When the spectator cried out “Fire!” a panic ensued in the second floor’s outer lobby among customers waiting for the later show. Inside the theater, the show continued, although the panicked crowd in the halls rushed toward the one available staircase (center) leading out of the theater to the street below, resulting in a fatal pileup of bodies. There had been theories that the outer door only opened inward, adding to the tragedy, although this was proven to be untrue.
Images of America: Canonsburg, exterior photo courtesy Martin Estep, interior photo courtesy Weller Studios (