Carnegie Performing Arts presents ‘Mary Poppins’
“Mary Poppins,” the original ballet detailing P. L. Traverse’s story of an English nanny, will be presented by the Carnegie Performing Arts Center March 23-25 at the Andrew Carnegie Music Hall, 300 Beechwood Avenue, Carnegie. Friday and Saturday performances will be at 8 p.m., with the Sunday performance at 2 p.m.
Dancing the lead role of the nanny Mary Poppins is Carnegie resident Gabrielle Fabian, a senior at Chartiers Valley. Playing Mary Poppins tap dancing companion Bert will be Elizabeth Scalise of Carnegie, a sophomore at Chartiers Valley High School. Alexis Albert of Scott Township, a fifth-grader at Chartiers Valley Middle School, plays the role of Michael Banks.
Tickets are available at the door for $18 for adults and $15 for students and seniors.
For information, call 412-279-8887 or visit