5 Things You Need To Know This Week
Bethel Park High School will stage Telerama, its annual student talent showcase, at 7:30 p.m. May 4 and 5, in the Bethel Park High School auditorium at 309 Church Road.Each night will feature a new set of acts, including the Drum Line, Bethettes, Majorettes, singers, dancers, instrumentalists and the comedic acting talents of the Senior Emcees. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at the door on performance evenings.
Fort Couch Middle School will present the musical “The Wizard of Oz” May 4-6, in the Upper St. Clair High School theatre. The musical begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. A 2:30 p.m. matinee performance is set for Sunday. Tickets are $6 for adults and $2 for students. Seating is reserved. Purchase tickets online at usctheater.org or at the door prior to each performance.
Collier Township Day and Wayne’s Legion Drill Day at Woodville Plantation, Bridgeville, will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. May 6. Join the soldiers of Wayne’s 4th Sub-Legion as they drill, visit with 18th century sutlers (historical demonstrators), and tour the plantation. Joining Wayne’s 4th Sub-Legion will be two additional legion groups from out of state. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Age 6 and under are free, and all Collier Township residents receive free admission with valid ID. For information, call 412-221-0348 or visit www.woodvilleplantation.org.
USC Citizens for Land Stewardship will hold a Migratory Bird Count on May 12. For more information, contact Nancy Page at nanpaul@verizon.net or 412-221-4795.
WOMEN of Southwestern PA Inc. (Women Organized to Mentor, Empower and Network) is accepting funding requests from local nonprofit, 501©(3) charitable and community organizations. Submission deadline is May 14 and decisions will be made in June. In 2017, WOMEN returned $63,527 to Western Pennsylvania organizations for specific projects. The money was funded by profits from the annual Symphony of Food – A Chef’s Showcase dinner held each year in January. To qualify, an organization must provide service in Allegheny, Washington, Fayette or Greene counties, have IRS 501©(3) status, receive no federal funds for the specific projects, and benefit women’s, children’s or family interests. Applicants are asked to go to www.womenofswpa.org and print and complete the Grant Application Form, attach a copy of nonprofit status, specify the amount requested (up to $2,500), and send to: WOMEN of Southwestern PA Inc., c/o Philanthropy Committee, P.O. Box 1112, McMurray, PA 15317.