What’s Happening: Week of May 9
Bethel Women’s Club
The Bethel Women’s Club will hold its next regular meeting, on May 16, at a new location: South Hills Elks Lodge, 2789 South Park Road, Bethel Park. There will be a social gathering at 11:30 a.m. with lunch following at noon. The Bethel Park High School scholarship winner will be introduced at this meeting. Officers for the upcoming year will also be presented. Cost of the lunch is $14, payable in advance by check only. To make a lunch reservation, call Pat at 412-831-1861 by May 11. Attendees are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the SHIM food pantry, in particular barbeque sauce and condiments to help SHIM clients kick off their summers with a cookout. All women residing in the South Hills are welcome to attend and become a member. Interested individuals should call Cindy Carfagno at 412-831-1913.
AUP Club
The Association of University People (AUP) is looking for single, four-year college graduates over 50 to join the group for monthly dinners and gatherings, and to play bridge or Scrabble. Interested individuals are welcome to attend activities.
• Scrabble, 2 p.m. May 11, at the Galleria of Mt. Lebanon, near Anthropologie.
• Happy hour, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. May 16, at The Porch at Siena of Upper St. Clair, 120 Siena Drive. RSVP to Liv at 412-580-3957.
For more information, call 412-734-8445 or visit www.aupsinglespittsburgh.org.
Food trucks
The Auxiliary of Mon-Vale Health Resources, Inc. at Monongahela Valley Hospital is seeking food truck vendors to participate in its annual Strawberry Festival on Friday, June 8. For more information, call Janet Cieply, manager, Auxiliary Services, at 724-258-1090.
Jeans & Jewels Gala
University Veterinary Specialists’ UVS Cares Foundation, which helps families with little or no financial resources to cover the cost of emergency care for their pets, will host its second annual Jeans & Jewels Gala to raise funds to serve its mission of “Saving Pets’ Lives and Owners’ Hearts.” The event will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. May 18, at St. Clair Country Club. Hosted by KDKA’s Kym Gable, the event will include pictures with honor guest Ola Kai, a past case who came to UVS with a metal rod in his head. There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres, a live band featuring the Terrance Vaughn Trio, cigar bar, live paddle auction, a treasure chest featuring jewels from Louis Anthony Jewelers and valet parking. For tickets, contact Lisa Mendicino at 724-717-2273 ext. 1000 or lmendicino@UVSCares.com.
Fish fry
The Bethel Park Lions will hold a spring fish fry from 4 to 7 p.m. May 18 at Lions Park. The menu includes a fried fish sandwich, baked fish or shrimp with French fries or macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and a drink for $11. Children’s hot dog meals are $5. Lunch will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and take out is available. Bethel Park Lioness will be offering desserts for sale. Plastic bags and brooms will also be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit Lions charities.
New and gently-used clothes and household items will be collected Saturday and Sunday, May 19 and 20, by the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Patrick Church, Canonsburg. Bring useable goods to the SVDP truck parked near the church at 317 W. Pike Street from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. No large appliances, TVs, suitcases, exercise equipment, kids toys or electronics will be accepted.
Mega flea market
Angel Ridge Animal Rescue, a shelter and sanctuary for dogs, cats and horses, will hold its first Mega Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 19, on the grounds of the rescue located at 390 Old Hickory Ridge Road, Washington. In the event of rain, the event will be moved indoors. There will be household items, collectables, jewelry, accessories for people and their pets and more. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Those wishing to participate may bring a table to set up with their items for a $15 fee. The rescue will also be accepting some donated items to sell on this day. To participate or donate items for sale, email Andrea at pnutsky@hotmail.com, or call 724-229-7053.
Dinner for a Dollar
Community of Christ Church, 3472 South Park Road, Bethel Park, will hold Dinner for a Dollar from 5 to 7 p.m. May 10. The menu will include spaghetti, bread and rolls, garden salad and desserts. Donations of $1 per person or $3 per family are accepted, but not required. No take-out will be available. To volunteer to help set up on May 9 or serve on May 10, call Debbie at 412-833-6357. Dinners are held the second Thursday of each month except July and December. Donations of used eye glasses will be collected for the Lions Club.
Live theater
The Heritage Players will present F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” May 11-13 and 18-20 at the Seton Center, 1900 Pioneer Avenue, Brookline. Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. The box office opens a half hour before curtain. Tickets at $12 general admission or $10 for seniors are available online at www.heritageplayers.org or at the door. Season tickets are $35. For more information, call 412-254-4633.
Children’s choir
The South Hills Children’s Choir will perform “Mozart Menagerie” at 7:30 p.m. May 11, at Beverly Heights Church, Mt. Lebanon. Works will range from Mozart’s comic opera to his deep sacred works, plus music by Aaron Copland, Morten Lauridsen, John Rutter and more. For more information, visit www.shcchoir.org.
Migratory bird count
Upper St. Clair Citizens for Land Stewardship’s Migratory Bird Count will take place on May 12. For more information, contact Nancy Page at nanpaul@verizon.net or 412-221-4795.
Kids Paint Out
A Plein Air Kids Paint Out, sponsored by Mt. Lebanon Partnership, will be held on May 12, throughout the Uptown District. Children ages 3-12 will be painting subjects to be found throughout the Central Business District. Registration is from 11 a.m. to noon followed by the Paint Out from noon to 2 p.m., Judging Reception from 2 to 3 and Awards Ceremony from 3 to 4. Fee is $5 if registered by May 9 at www.mtleboparternship.org. Fee increases to $10 if paid May 10-12 including walk-ins.
Plant sale
Treehaven Garden Club will hold its annual Mother’s Day weekend plant sale from 8 a.m. to noon on May 12, at South Park Shops, Route 88, Bethel Park. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/TreehavenGardenClub or @southpark shops on Facebook, or call 412-833-7021.
Night at the Races
The Steel City Boogie Club will host a Night at the Races event on May 12, at the Dormont Recreation Center, 1801 Dormont Avenue. The event will include 10 races, oldies music, auction baskets and raffles. Doors open at 6 p.m. Admission is $5. For more information or to purchase tickets (sold in advance only), call Mary at 412-215-0748.
Refugee fair
The Third Annual Refugee Health and Wellness Resource Fair will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 12, at the Kingsley Association on Frankstown Road in the East End. The event will include information and more than 40 vendors, free food, children’s activities, demonstrations and more. For those not fluent in English, there will be interpretation provided in more than a dozen languages including Arabic, Swahili, Nepali and more. For information, visit the Facebook page at facebook.com/events/2043353999267616.
Pittsburgh Historical Music Society will present An Evening of 18th Century Music from 7 to 10 p.m. May 12, at Woodville Plantation, Bridgeville. Tickets are $25 per person and include hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer. Seating is limited. Purchase tickets in advance at www.woodvilleplantation.org/event-ticket-purchase or email nevillehouseassociates@gmail.com.
• Woodville Plantation will also hold an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. May 13 and May 30. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Ages 6 and under are free. The plantation will be closed May 27 for Memorial Day Weekend.
Live theater
The Heritage Players will perform “The Great Gatsby” May 11-20, “Dracula” Oct. 5-14 and “Jesus Christ Superstar” Nov. 30-Dec. 9. Season tickets are $25 per person for all three productions. “The Wizard of Oz” will be presented Aug. 3-12. All performances will be at the Seton Center, 1900 Pioneer Avenue, Brookline. For more information, email heritageplayers@yahoo.com or call 412-254-4633.
Torah & Tea
Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, will present Torah & Tea for women at 11 a.m. May 15, at the Galleria of Mt. Lebanon, upper level. This month topic is “Torah, Our Greatest Treasure.” Suggested donation is $5. For more information, contact Batya at batya@chabadsh.com or 412-512-2330.
Live theater
South Park Theatre opened its 2018 Season with Neil Simon’s comedy “California Suite.” Performances run at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday, through May 19. Performances take place on the indoor Mainstage, and tickets are $15 for plays, $18 for the musical. Ticket reservations can be made by calling the box office at 412-831-8552. South Park Theatre is located across the street from the fairgrounds, at the intersection of Corrigan Drive and Brownsville Road. For more information, visit www.SouthParkTheatre.com.
First Bethel United Methodist Church, Bethel Park, presents Bell’Art Ensemble performing “The Spice of Life,” a musical variety concert, at 7 p.m. May 19, in the sanctuary located at 5901 Library Road. Tickets are $15 for adults and free to those age 15 and younger. For tickets, call the church at 412-835-0700.
Oldies dance
The Men’s Club of St. Benedict the Abbot Church will hold its 9th Annual Oldies Dance on May 19, at the church located at 80 Friar Lane, McMurray. Tickets at $25 per couple and $15 per person include: Italian meatball and cheese hoagie, soft drinks, snacks and set ups. The event is BYOB; beer and wine are available by donation. Food will be served from 6:30 to 8 p.m. followed by the dance from 8 to 11. For tickets, call 724-344-7904.
Water Safety Day
Goldfish Swim School, 690 Crosswinds Drive, McMurray, will hold Water Safety Day 2018 from 3 to 5 p.m. May 19. Take a tour of the pool – each participant will receive a passport to take with them to each W.A.T.E.R. safety station. Everyone will learn five rules of water safety. After the presentation, there will be a family swim. Those wishing to stay for the swim should make a reservation by calling 724-942-7946. Reservations open on May 14. For information, visit https://www.goldfishswimschool.com/peters-township/events/water-safety-day-2018.
Virtual Dementia Tour
Gateway Hospice, in partnership with Broadmore Senior Living at Lakemont, will host a Virtual Dementia Tour on May 10, for individuals to better understand what it feels like for those who live with dementia. Tours will be available in 15-minute increments throughout the day between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. and preregistration is highly encouraged. To RSVP for the Virtual Dementia Tour and confirm your tour time, call Broadmore Senior Living at 412-221-0202.
Essential oils
New to essential oils and interested in learning about doTERRA CPTG Essential Oils? Classes are held from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, at The Physical Therapy Center, 1699 Washington Road (ground floor), Mt. Lebanon, and include: May 9 — Get Ready for Mother’s Day — Mastering Diffuser Blends and Take Home a Special Blend for Mother’s Day (from doTERRA’s Harmony Collection); May 16 — 10 Oils Every Home Should Have, Learn the Benefits and How to Use Them. To register for these free classes/continuing education, contact Deb Bosco at 724-713-6217 or bosco.deb@gmail.com.
Skin cancer screening
St. Clair Hospital will sponsor a free skin cancer screening from 6 to 8 p.m. May 15 at the hospital’s Sipe Infusion Center on the Third Floor. Screenings will be conducted by clinicians of Mt. Lebanon Dermatology and are by appointment only. Space is limited. Register online at stclair.org/programs&events or call 412-942-5082 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Black lung testing
Lungs at Work, a nonprofit federal black lung clinic in McMurray, will offer black lung testing for all coal miners, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. May 17, at American Legion Post 400, 205 East George Street, Carmichaels. The event will include health assessments, pulmonary screenings, pulse oximetry testing, benefits counseling and assistance with federal Black Lung applications. Appointments are required by calling Lungs at Work at 724-941-1650. An insurance card must be presented before testing. For information, call 724-941-1650.
Andrew Carnegie
• 2nd Saturday Lecture Series, 1 to 2:30 p.m. May 12. Richard A. Wolfe presents “Rich Mountain: the Battle that Helped Make a State,” which had an enormous impact on the Union Virginia Government and General McClellan. Free.
• S.T.E.A.M. and a Snack, 4 to 5:30 p.m. May 14.
• Listen Locally Downstairs: Joe Wingefeld’s Straight Ahead Jazz Trio, 6:30 p.m. May 16.
For more, visit www.carnegiecarnegie.org. Register at 412-276-3456.
Bethel Park
• Think Outside the Book, 6:30 p.m. May 10, for grades K-12. No books allowed – share stories in an untraditional way. Register.
• Art Gala, 6 p.m. May 11, featuring an elegant evening of music, art and light refreshments. Submissions welcome from artists aged toddler to teen. Call the library to register. All artists get a free ticket to the gala. Family members and friends may purchase a ticket in advance for $5. Price increases to $10 at the door. All proceeds benefit the library.
For more, visit www.bethelparklibrary.org. Register at 412-835-2207.
• Intro to Bullet Journaling, 6 p.m. May 10. Have scattered notebooks, sticky notes and scraps of papering lying around? Learn an excellent method to organize your life. Basic supplies provided, or bring your own. Register online.
• Friends of the Library Fashion Show, 6 p.m. May 11, at the SNPJ Sygan Lodge. Tickets are $10 at the library, and include snacks and a dessert.
• Gardening in Deer Country, 1 p.m. May 12. Master Gardener Dianne Machesney will discuss facts about deer and which plants are deer resistant. Registration appreciated.
• 2nd Annual Gardening Exchange, 2 p.m. May 12. Trade plants with other plant enthusiasts. Label your plants before arriving. Registration appreciated.
For more, visit bridgevillelibrary.org.
Castle Shannon
• Tail Waggin’ Tutors, 7 p.m. May 15. Each child will have the opportunity to read to a special doggie tutor. Registration required.
• Crafternoons for Adults, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. May 16. Make book wreaths. Registration is appreciated.
• Thursday Night at the Movies, 7 p.m. May 17. Light refreshments provided. Registration is appreciated.
For more, visit castleshannonlibrary.org.
Frank Sarris
• Of Dice and Men — Roleplaying Games, 1 p.m. May 12
• Adult English as a Second Language Classes, offered by The Literacy Council of Southwestern PA, 1 to 4 p.m. May 12. To enroll, call the Literacy Council at 724-228-6188.
• Free Adult Education Classes, 1 to 3:30 p.m. May 14 and 15. Improve reading, writing or math skills, build skills to attend a postsecondary program, prepare for your GED or HiSET, or get help with resumes and cover letters. To schedule an orientation appointment, call Intermediate Unit 1 at 724-938-3241 ext. 240.
For more, visit www.franksarrislibrary.org. Register at 724-745-1308.
Mt. Lebanon
• Why Declaring Jerusalem as Capital of Israel Is Controversial, 7 p.m. May 15. Samuel Kayam will present a historical review of the city of Jerusalem and its importance to the three monotheistic religions. Kayam was born in Israel and raised in the northern city of Haifa. Currently retired, he works as an adjunct faculty professor at CCAC teaching physics.
• Zentanglers, at noon on May 10. The group meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. New members welcome.
For details, visit www.mtlebanonlibrary.org.
• PAWS for Reading, 10 to 11:20 a.m. May 12, for preschool-aged children and up
• German Conversation Meetup, 6:30 to 8 p.m. May 14, in Café Lee
• Chess with a Champion, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. May 15, for grades 1-6
• Afternoon Book Club for Adults, 1 to 2:30 p.m. May 16. Discuss “The Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro.
For more, visit www.ptlibrary.org.
Friends of the Library Book Sort, 9 to 11 a.m. May 11. Volunteers are needed to sort books and materials for the 2018 Book Sale. Sorts will be held the second Friday of each month in the small meeting room.
For more, visit www.scottlibrary.org. Register online or call 412-429-5380.
South Fayette
• Movie Matinee, 1 p.m. Fridays
• How to Sell Items on eBay, 7 p.m. May 16. Learn how to list items for sale, including photography, shipping and payment information. Register online.
For more, visit southfayettelibrary.org. Register online or call 412-257-8660.
Upper St. Clair
• World War II: The Home Front, Part 2, 7 p.m. May 10. Join Todd DePastino for this four-part series: Upcoming sessions will be held May 31 and June 5. Register for each session individually.
• Express Yourself Writers Group, 10 a.m. May 9. Registration is not required — stop in anytime. Free.
• Adult Gaming Night, 7 p.m. May 14. Bring your own tabletop game or try one of the library’s selection of exciting new classics. Register.
• Bring-Your-Own-Book Club, 2 p.m. May 18. Share snacks, enjoy good company, and chat about what you’ve been reading. Register.
For more, visit www.twpusc.org. Register online or call 412-835-5540.
ML Class of ’78
The Mt. Lebanon High School Class of 1978 will host its 40th anniversary reunion on Sept. 22, at the South Hills Country Club. In addition, the class will attend the Friday night football game of Mt. Lebanon vs. North Allegheny, with a gathering afterward at a local establishment. On Saturday at 10 a.m. there will be a tour of the newly renovated high school followed by lunch in the cafeteria. The reunion dinner begins at 6 p.m. Tickets will be available soon. For more information, email lebo78reunion@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/Lebo78.
Grief/loss dinner
Rev. Cathy Peternel will host a dinner at 6 p.m. May 18, in the McNary Conference Center at Canonsburg Hospital, 100 Medical Blvd., for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Cost is $8 per dinner. To make a reservation, call 724-745-6100 ext. 4118.
Grief/loss seminar
Rev. Cathy Peternel offers a free grief and loss seminar from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, through May 23, in the McNary Conference Center at Canonsburg Hospital, 100 Medical Blvd. To reserve a seat, call 724-745-6100 ext. 4118.