Vacation Bible School: Week of May 30
Bethel Park
John McMillan Presbyterian Church, Bethel Park, will hold vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon June 25-29, featuring service, games, snacks, songs, Bible stories and more. Lunch will be available for families for a nominal fee after VBS on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Open to children 3 years old (with one year of 3-year-old preschool experience) through sixth grade (completed). Cost is $15 per child through June 15. Cost increased to $25 after that date. Registration forms are available online at or in the church office.
The Bible Chapel, McMurray, will hold “Shipwrecked!” vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. June 25-29, for children entering kindergarten through grade 6. To register, visit
Upper St. Clair
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, will hold vacation Bible school from 9 a.m. to noon June 18-22. “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” – A world where kids are anchored in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms, is for children entering grades K through 6 in the fall. Online registration is available at