Peters plans Great American Clean-up Day
Peters Township’s Annual Great American Clean-up Day is scheduled for April 27. This event is part of the larger Keep America Beautiful Campaign. Volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. in the Recreation Center located at 700 Meredith Drive in Venetia, and be provided with a designated clean up location, garbage bags, gloves and a safety vest. Sign-ups are encouraged, but not required. To register, visit
A recycling event will be available from 9 a.m. to noon on this day to residents in the Public Works Garage located at 750 Bebout Road in Venetia. Items accepted for recycling will include automotive batteries and scrap metal. Tires will be accepted at a charge of $3 each. No electronics will be taken. Residents can recycle electronics and household hazardous waste at their residence through a new Waste Management program. Information will be provided at the event on these programs, or visit
In addition, volunteer cycle enthusiasts, led by Bill Schader, will examine and repair old bicycles and see that they are donated to the less fortunate through City Mission, Washington County Food Bank and other charities in the Pittsburgh area. Bicycles may be dropped off to Public Works prior to April 27 during normal business hours or during the collection event itself.