What’s Happening: Week of April 7
Story hour
St. Elizabeth Elementary School, Baldwin, will hold the final Preschool Story Hour for the school year from 1 to 2 p.m. April 11. The event, open to children 3 years old and older (and potty-trained), will include a story followed by activities with some of St. Elizabeth Middle School students. Children can be dropped off after signing in with one of the preschool teachers. Parents are welcome to stay, but it’s not required. Email slydon@st-elizabeth.org with questions.
The Association of University People (AUP) is looking for single, four-year college graduates age 50+ to join the group for monthly dinners and social gatherings. Interested individuals are welcome to attend activities. Events include: April 9 – Dinner at 6 p.m., Bella Frutteto in Wexford, with RSVP to Bill at 412-657-7485; April 12 and 26 – Scrabble at 1 p.m., The Galleria of Mt. Lebanon, near Anthropologie, with RSVP to Rina at 412-341-8009; April 14 – Brunch at 11:30 a.m., Mitchell’s Fish Market at The Galleria of Mt. Lebanon, with RSVP to Bill at 412-657-7485. For more information, call 412-734-8445.
Women’s Business Network South Chapters will hold the following meetings: Mt. Lebanon Chapter, 8 a.m. April 9 and 23, Panera Bread, 1500 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon. Washington Chapter, 8:30 a.m. April 10 and 24, Panera Bread, 108 Trinity Point Drive, Washington. Call Vicki Pinkney at 412-997-1603. McMurray Chapter, 8:30 a.m. April 17, at The Bowling Alley at the Meadows, 210 Racetrack Road, Washington. Call Sallie Dunn at 724-503-4500. Call Marlene Will-Knapp at 412-833-9279. South Hills Chapter, 8 a.m. April 18, Sylvan Learning Center, 100 Siena Drive, Upper St. Clair. Call Kim Spierto at 412-759-2080. For more information, visit www.wbninc.com.
Lensshooters meet
Western Pennsylvania Lensshooters Camera Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 10, at Peters Township Public Library in McMurray. Photographer Anita J. Luellen of Ohio will be the guest speaker. She will set up two tabletop displays for demonstration and use by club member to photograph with their own cameras.
Bethel Woman’s Club
The Bethel Woman’s Club will meet on April 17 at the South Hills Elks Lodge, 2789 South Park Road, Bethel Park. There will be a social gathering at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at noon. To make a reservation, call Pat at 412-831-1861 by April 12. Sarris candy bars will be available for purchase with proceeds benefiting the SHIM Pantry.
SP Women’s Club
South Park Women’s Club will meet at 7 p.m. April 15, in the South Park Township Community Center Building located on the municipal grounds, across from Bavarian Village. There will be a regular business meeting followed by the club’s annual white elephant sale.
Army Women United
Are you a woman who has served in the any branch of the US Military — Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard? The local chapter of the Women’s Army Corp Veterans’ Association — Army Women United in Pittsburgh Keystone Chapter 120 will meet at 11 a.m. April 13, at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall, Pittsburgh. All female veterans, regardless of branch, retired or active duty, are welcome. The group will continue its work on the Greeting Card project for overseas soldiers and discuss plans for a summer flea market. For more information, call Vickie at 412-319-7761. To arrange for ride sharing from the South Hills, call Chris at 412-833-1452.
ML Genealogy Society
The Mt. Lebanon Genealogy Society will meet at 1 p.m. April 15, in the Mt. Lebanon Public Library. Guest speaker Helen Shimek, leader of the DNA Special Interest Group of The Erie Society for Genealogical Research, will present “An Overview of DNA Testing and What to Do Once You Receive Your Results.” Shimek will cover testing companies, kinds of testing and basic methods for analyzing your results.
South Fayette High School’s 7th Annual Mini-THON will take place at 6 p.m. April 12 in the high school gymnasium. This overnight, 12-hour dance-a-thon is modeled after Penn State’s THON. Students in grades 9-12 form teams and raise money leading up to the event in hopes of being the team that raises the most cash. All of the money raised goes to Four Diamonds, which supports families and children who are fighting pediatric cancer. A community session will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. during which time students, families, community members and businesses in the South Fayette area are invited to participate in raffles and giveaways. For more information, visit https://sfminithon.weebly.com.
Martha’s Run
The 24th annual Martha’s Run will take place at 9 a.m. April 13 at Mt. Lebanon High School. Martha’s Run is a 10k race through the hills of Mt. Lebanon. For those interested in something shorter, there will also be a 2-mile run and 1-mile run/walk. The event is open to all ages. At the conclusion of the 10k, children are invited to participate in the kid’s races, held on the Mt. Lebanon High School track. Participants can register online at http://themarthafund.org until April 11. Participants can also print and complete the mail-in registration form or register in person at Fleet Feet on North Highland Road on April 11 and 12. Registration opportunities will also be available on race day at the Mt. Lebanon Rec Center. Martha’s Run is the main fundraising effort for The Martha Fund, a charitable organization dedicated to preserving the memory of slain FBI Special Agent Martha Dixon, who was killed in the line of duty Nov. 22, 1994.
Donations sought
Friends of Family Hospice & Palliative Care, Mt. Lebanon, is accepting donations of gently-used or new, good quality goods from the community. Items will be sold at FH&PC’s fall sale to support its mission of providing quality care to hospice patients and their families. Desired items include: jewelry, collectibles, china, glassware, kitchen and craft items, linens, mirrors, lamps, artwork, books, handyman items, DVDs and furniture (no large bookcases or entertainment centers). Items may be dropped off at Family Hospice, 50 Moffett Street, Mt. Lebanon between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. For furniture donations, which will begin on April 15, call 412-833-7315. For more information, email famhospsale@gmail.com.
Flower sale
The Friends of South Park are beginning the annual spring garden event and flower sale. All orders can be placed directly on the group’s website at www.southparkfriends.org or by using the order sheet found on the website. Orders must be placed by April 23 and can be picked up at the Spring Garden Event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 4. Master gardeners will be available all day to answer any questions guests may have. The Friends of South Park is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the beauty and history of South Park. All proceeds from this sale will be used to enhance and restore South Park.
fashion show
Keynotes Annual Scholarship Luncheon & Fashion Show will be held at 11 a.m. April 13, at St. Clair Country Club, 2300 Old Washington Road, Upper St. Clair. This year’s theme is “Lace and Flowers.” Fashions will be presented by Chico’s. There will be a 50/50 and basket raffles as well as gift certificates. Jewelry and cosmetic vendors will display their products prior to the luncheon. Tickets are $35. Those reserving a full table of eight will receive a gift. To make a reservation, contact Lynn Hagan at lhagan@american-healthcare.net or 412-491-7250.
Historical events
Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation will offer a free illustrated lecture, Painting for Preservation, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 11, at the Landmarks Preservation Resource Center, 744 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg. Cory Bonnet, a Pittsburgh oil paint artist and preservationist who paints contemporary nostalgic scenes of the Pittsburgh area using salvaged and reclaimed materials, will present. Reservations are not required, but appreciated. For reservations, contact Mary Lu Denny at 412-471-5808 ext. 527 or marylu@phlf.org.
Senior health care talk
Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills, 1240 Washington Rd, Mt. Lebanon, will host Registered Nurse and Senior Health Care Presenter Barbara A. Veazey for a comprehensive overview of the following topics: Long term care insurance, Health Care Advance Directives and veteran’s benefits, April 10; and Selecting home care services, assisted living, skilled care and senior safety, April 17. The discussions will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Plan to attend one or all of these sessions at a cost of $5 per session, to cover materials. To register, email Katy at katyvern@gmail.com.
Dinner for a Dollar
Community of Christ Church, Bethel Park, will hold Dinner for a Dollar from 5 to 7 p.m. April 11, at the church located at 3472 South Park Road. The menu will include spaghetti, bread and roll, garden salad and desserts. Donations of $1 per person or $3 per family are accepted, but not required. No reservations are needed and no takeout will be available (including desserts). To volunteer to help set up on Wednesday or to help serve dinner on Thursday, call Debbie at 412-833-6357. Used eyeglasses will be collected and passed on to the Lions Club for distribution to those in need.
Coffee and Conversation
The Residence of Logan located at 5851 Keystone Drive in Bethel Park will hold Coffee and Conversation at 10 a.m. April 11, to educate seniors about the benefits of retirement community living. Refreshments will be served and tours of the community and model apartments will be given. For more information, call 412-835-9500 or email rsvp@residenceatlogan.com.
Easter Bake Sale
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, 601 Boone Avenue, Canonsburg, will hold its Easter bake sale from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 13.
Daffodil Show
The 2019 Pittsburgh Annual Daffodil Show, presented by the Daffodil and Hosta Society of Western Pennsylvania in conjunction with the Penn State Extension of Allegheny County Garden & Landscape Symposium & Garden Marketplace of Western PA, will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 27, at the Shady Side Academy Senior School Ice Rink located at 423 Fox Chapel Road. The event is free. A Daffodil Grooming Clinic will be offered prior to the show, at 1 p.m. April 13 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 311 Cumberland Road, McCandless. For more information, contact Stephen Plato at sjplato46@gmail.com.
Special Needs Fair/Expo
The 4th Annual Southwestern Pennsylvania Special Needs Fair & Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 27, at The Pathfinder School, 50 Donati Road, Bethel Park. The free event, held rain or shine, features both indoor and outdoor activities, including music and dance performances, emergency vehicles to climb, playtime with therapy dogs, face painting and more. Professionals representing a wide-range of services will also be on hand offering information and giveaways. For more information or to become a vendor, visit “special Needs Fair & Expo” on Facebook, email specialneedsfairpa@gmail.com or call 412-394-5514. The deadline for vendor applications is April 12.
Egg hunt/ breakfast
South Fayette School District will hold a community breakfast with the Easter Bunny, Easter parade and egg hunt on April 13. Breakfast will be offered from 9 to 11 a.m. at the high school food court. The Easter Bunny will lead a parade at 11 from the front of the high school to the football stadium where an egg hunt will begin at 11:15. Breakfast is $5 per person, payable at the door, and includes pancakes, beverage, coloring book, treat and a visit with the Easter Bunny. Bring a camera. A $1 donation is requested of those not participating in the breakfast. Dress appropriately for the weather and bring a basket to collect a minimum of 20 eggs per person. For more information, call Leslie Willetts at 412-221-4542 ext. 771.
Children’s play
“My Traveling Song,” an original interactive play by Hiawatha Project, will run through April 14 at Carnegie Stage, 25 W. Main Street, Carnegie. In the play, especially made for children ages 1-5, a mother and child are confronted with unexpected natural obstacles, but weather through. “My Traveling Song” reveals that connections between loved ones, communities and the physical world around us can help us feel safe, loved and free to imagine a more empathic and playful world. For tickets, visit https://hiawathaproject.org/tickets.
Voces Solis presents The Old Church: Music for the Cathedral at 4 p.m. April 14, at Old St. Luke’s Church, Carnegie. The concert is “pay what you can.” For more information, visit vocessolis.org.
Spring flower show
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens’ Spring Flower Show: Gardens of the Rainbow is open now through April 21, featuring prisms, topiaries and interactive experiences for all ages, plus tens of thousands of spring blooms in vibrant floral hues. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and until 10 p.m. on Fridays. Admission is $17.95 for adults, $16.95 for seniors and students, and $11.95 for children ages 2-18. Members and kids under 2 enter free. For tickets, visit phipps.conservatory.org.
Bus trip
Peters Township Parks and Recreation will offer a one-day bus trip to Bedford Springs on June 6. The bus will depart from the Community Recreation Center. Cost is $154 per person and registration is due by April 15 at www.peterstownship.com or by calling 724-942-5000.
Bus trip
Baldwin Community United Methodist Church presents the one-day bus trip, Foodie Field Trip, on May 19. Depart from the church for Cleveland’s West Side Market in the Ohio City District. This is the oldest market of its kind in the U.S., with more than 100 venues. Enjoy lunch at CROP (Creative Restaurant Operations Platform) before a tour of the city. The day ends in Little Italy. Participants are welcome to bring their own cooler or use ones provided to keep purchases fresh until returning home. Cost is $118. Reservations and full payment are due before April 29. Make checks payable to Elaine Lewis and mail to her at: 5123 Dolores Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15227. Include name, address and phone, and meal choice (brisket mac and cheese, chicken piccata or sautéed shrimp with pasta).
Essential oils
Introduction to Essential & Oil Basics will be offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, April 11, 25 and May 2 at The Physical Therapy Center, 1699 Washington Road, Ground Floor, Bethel Park. On April 11, the focus will be Essential Oils for Seasonal Allergies. April 25 topic will be Green Cleaning with Essential Oils and on May 2, learn about Immune Support with Essential Oils. Individual appointments are available by contacting Deb Bosco at 724-713-6217 or bosco.deb@gmail.com.
Andrew Carnegie
• Celebrate Carnegie with two events suitable for all ages. The first takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. April 11, with the second from 10 a.m. to noon on April 13. Visit the website for details.
• Simple Cooking for All: Vegetable Soup, 4 to 5 p.m. April 17. Learn new dishes from all over the world. Registration required.
For more, visit www.carnegiecarnegie.org. Register at 412-276-3456.
Bethel Park
• AARP Tax-Aide, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, through April 9. Free tax assistance and preparation for taxpayers with low and middle income. Registration is first come, first served (note: the municipal building doors will not open until 8 a.m.). Call the library for information.
• Adapted Storytime, 10 a.m. Mondays, April 8-29, for ages 2-6 with a caregiver. Story, music and movement for children with differing abilities, their siblings, parents/caregivers and developing peers. Registration required as space is limited.
• Critter Club Bookclub, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, April 9-30, for grades 1 and 2. Discuss “Amy and the Missing Puppy,” book one in a series by Callie Barkley, and participate in activities. Register.
For more, visit www.bethelparklibrary.org. Register at 412-835-2207.
After-school chess program, Tuesdays, for children in grades K-8. Beginners meet from 6 to 7 p.m., with experienced players meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. This half-hour of instruction led by chess master Eric Berthoud, will be followed by a half-hour of game play. Participants must attend at least six of the eight evening sessions to be eligible for the tournament. Register online.
For more, visit bridgevillelibrary.org.
Castle Shannon
• Spring Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 13, featuring 20+ tables, refreshments, bake sale and 50/50 raffle.
• Sign Language Program, 7 p.m. April 15, for beginners ages 13 and up. The class is offered the third Monday of each month, through December.
For more, visit www.castleshannonlibrary.org.
• Global Treats, part of a Morning Meet and Eat event, 11 a.m. April 20. Formerly known as the International Covered Dish Dinner, the bi-annual celebration is open to all ages and backgrounds. Guests are asked to supply a dish representing their culture or heritage and enough food to share with 10 to 15 additional individuals. There is no cost for this event; however, registration is required at dormontprogramming@einetwork.net or 412-531-8754.
• Appraisal Fair Fundraiser, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 27. Verbal appraisals of up to two items per person will be provided by certified appraiser Kurt Shaw. Cost is $10 for one item or $15 for two items. All proceeds benefit the library. Space is limited; registration is recommended by emailing dormontprogramming@einetwork.net or calling 412-531-8754.
For more, visit dormontlibrary.org or call 412-531-8754.
Frank Sarris
• Book Sale, week of April 7, featuring hundreds of used books at bargain prices.
• Fiction Book Club, 1 p.m. April 10. Discuss “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate.
• Super Science, 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. April 11, for children ages 3-7 and 8-13. Theme: Rainforest. Registration is required at the children’s circulation desk or by phone.
For more, visit www.franksarrislibrary.org.
Mt. Lebanon
• Imagining the Future: America and the World Fairs of Chicago and New York, 7 p.m. April 10, presented by the Historical Society of Mount Lebanon
• Samuel Hazo’s When Not Yet is Now, 7 p.m. April 11. The poet will read from his upcoming collection of poetry.
• Mt. Lebanon Library Garden Volunteers Meet & Greet, 2 p.m. April 13. There will be treats and a tour of the gardens.
• Qatar: Behind the Headlines, 7 p.m. April 15. Learn what life is really like in the richest country in the world.
For more, visit www.mtlebanonlibrary.org.
• Acrylic Painting for Adults, 1 to 3:30 p.m. April 10. Cost is $25 plus supplies. Register with payment at the Library Services Desk.
• Evening Book Club for Adults, 7 to 8:30 p.m. April 10. Discuss “Brooklyn” by Colm Toibin.
• A Night with WQED for all ages, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 11 featuring Nature Cat.
• Tween Read It and Eat Book Club for boys and girls ages 9 to 13, 4 to 4:45 p.m. April 15. Discuss “The Kite Fighters” by Linda Sue Park.
For more, visit www.ptlibrary.org.
• Mod Podge Magazine Holders, 6 to 7 p.m. April 9, for teens and adults. Supplies provided. Space is limited. Register.
• Tea and Travel to Rome, 1 to 2 p.m. April 13, for adults. Register by April 6.
• Spring Basket Weaving, 2 to 3 p.m. April 13, for grades K-5. Create a basket to take home. Younger children may need assistance from a parent/guardian. Register.
• Cooking Club: Breakfast Burritos, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. April 15, for adults. All skill levels welcome. Register.
For more, visit www.scottlibrary.org. Register online or call 412-429-5380.
South Fayette
• Storytime Chess, 10 a.m. Mondays, 1 p.m. Thursdays or 10:30 a.m. Fridays, for ages 3.5-7 years. Learn the game of chess, its characters and movements through storytelling. New lesson each week. Register for only one session per week; must register for each week separately. Registration required.
• After-school chess program, Mondays, for children in grades K-8. Beginners meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., with experienced players meeting from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. This half-hour of instruction led by chess master Eric Berthoud will be followed by a half-hour of game play. Register online.
For more, visit southfayettelibrary.org. Register online or call 412-257-8660.
South Park
“Friends” Spring Book Sale, April 18-20, in the South Park Township Community Center, 2575 Brownsville Road, across from Bavarian Village. Hours are 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday (open to Friends members only from 4 to 6), 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday ($5 bag sale). Proceeds benefit the library.
For more, visit www.southparklibrary.org.
Upper St. Clair
• Vintage Radio Players, 2 p.m. April 9 and 23. Read classic scripts and perform at local personal care homes. New attendees are asked to email Walker Evans at evansw@einetwork.net.
• Yarn Works, 7 p.m. April 9 and 23. Knit and crochet hats, mittens and blankets for the underprivileged in Pittsburgh and around the world. Register.
• The Dust Bowl, 7 p.m. April 11. Historian Todd DePastino will present a talk on the greatest ecological disaster in US history. Register.
• Death Café, 7 p.m. April 15. Eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. This is a discussion group, not a grief support or counseling session. Register.
For more, visit www.twpusc.org. Register online or call 412-835-5540.
BPHS Class of ’79
Bethel Park High School Class of 1979 will hold its 40th reunion on Sept. 28. The reunion will begin at 5 p.m. at the Bethel Park Historical Society, with a meet-and-greet time at Danny’s Hoagie with appetizers. Dinner, from Pasta Too will be from 6 to 7:30 at the Bethel Park Community Center then return to the historical society for cake and socializing. Cost is $30 per person, with beer, pop and water included, or BYOB. A PayPal “money pool” has been created on the BPHSClassOf79@gmail.com PayPal account. There is no fee to purchase tickets using a PayPal balance or linked bank account. You do not need to have an account to purchase tickets through PayPal, but there is a 3.9 percent fee for using a credit or debit card. Sign in as a “guest.” To link o the PayPal “money pool,” visit https://www.paypal.com/pools/campaign/111032137327518640. When the page opens click “chip in.” Include your email address in the comments box so the committee can keep you up to date with information as the reunion approaches. Or, visit the class Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/137385723589/events and click on the “events” tab. Questions can also be directed to the class email listed above.
Through its Pastoral Care Department, the AHN Canonsburg Hospital is currently offering a Bereavement Support Group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, through April 10, for anyone grieving a recent loss. Meetings are held in the McNary Conference Center at the hospital. There will be a group dinner following on April 17, at 6:30 p.m. Reservations for the dinner are requested by April 15. Registrations for the preceding sessions are not required, and the invitation to join remains open. For information, call 724-745-6100 ext. 4118.
The Bible Chapel, McMurray, offers DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids. Both groups run concurrently, from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. Thursdays, through April 25. DivorceCare for Kids is for children ages 6-12. Childcare for both classes is available for children infant through 5 years. For more information, visit biblechapel.org.
The Bible Chapel, McMurray, will offer GriefShare from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, through May 23. For more information, visit biblechapel.org.
Deaf culture
Workshop: Deaf Culture will be offered from 7 to 8:30 p.m. April 11, in the Otterbein room at Christ United Methodist Church, Bethel Park. The workshop, led by local ASL interpreter Caleb Wysocki, will cover topics such as deaf community and culture, the basics of sign language, available resources to support deaf vocation and education, and information regarding the deaf community in Pittsburgh. To register, visit www.christumc.net/signup and select “Workshop on Deaf Culture. This workshop is hosted by The Nyadire Connection’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Sponsorship Program. Zimbabwean crafts will be sold to support The Nyadire Connection.
Pre-Passover workshop
Chabad of the South Hills will hold a Pre-Passover Wood Workshop from 2:30 to 4 p.m. April 14, at The Home Depot in Bethel Park. Create your own matzah holder for your Seder table. Cost is $7 per person. To register, visit www.ChabadSH.com, email mussie@chabadsh.com or call 412-3442424.
Exercise programs
Peters Township Parks and Recreation offers exercise programs for both adults and children, including: Circuit Training Express for ages 16 and older, Bootcamp 45 for ages 18 and older, Mommy & Me Bootcamp for adults and ages 5 and under, Kind Kids Yoga for ages 4-11. Registration for the new May/June 8-week session begins April 22. Classes can be viewed online at www.peterstownship.com after April 19.