South Hills Chorale embarks on 60th season

Courtesy of Jim Renckly
Phyllis Neff
The 80-voice South Hills Chorale is celebrating its 60th anniversary for the 2019-20 concert season.
The ensemble performs two major public concerts, in December and May, and several community outreach concerts every year. The chorale’s repertoire includes Broadway, classical, pops and holiday music. It’s choral music at its finest.
Phyllis Neff has been elected president for the upcoming season. She is a first alto, section leader and seven-year member of the group.
Auditions for the South Hills Chorale will be held at 6:15 p.m. Aug. 26 and Sept. 9 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2040 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair.
To arrange for an audition, contact Luanne Shock at or visit