What’s Happening: Week of July 21
VBS at Ruthfred
Vacation Bible School begins July 22 at Ruthfred Lutheran, 3401 South Park Road, Bethel Park. There is still time to register. Call the church office at 412-835-7140.
Shredding event
Iron Mountain will bring its equipment to Mt. Lebanon to shred confidential papers from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 27 at the public works yard, 1250 Lindendale Drive, off Cedar Blvd.
Summer Spectacular
South Hills Assembly of God, 2725 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park, will host its South Hills Summer Spectacular beginning at 6 p.m. July 24-26 and 3 p.m. July 27.
Featured are carnival rides, games, prizes, food, entertainment and family-friendly fun. Proceeds benefit Hillcrest Christian Academy.
Life Recovery, a confidential Christian recovery group for any addiction, meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the church. Family Rescue, providing support and healing for family members and loved ones negatively impacted by addiction, also meets at 7 p.m. then separates into its own group.
For more information call 412-835-8900 or visit www.southhillsag.org.
Lakeview Church Food Fair
Lakeview Christian Life Church, One Lakeview Place, Bridgeville, will hold its 39th annual Food Fair from 4 to 8 p.m. July 27. The public is invited to sample food from such countries as Germany, Poland, Greece, Korea and Italy. There will also be booths featuring barbecue, homemade sorbet with fresh fruit, classic burgers and homemade desserts. Admission is $2 per person or $5 per family, with children under 5 admitted free. Proceeds will benefit the Lakeview Christian Academy, a ministry of the church.
Bethel Park concert
The Bethel Park Community Foundation will hold its fourth Dean Streator Concert Series Concert of the season from 2:30 to 4 p.m. July 28.
The show, at the Bethel Park Community Center, features the Allegheny Brass Band. Admission is free, but donations are welcome to benefit the Community Foundation.
Kosher cooking
The summer edition of “Love and Knaidels: Kosher Cooking for a Cause” will be held at 7 p.m. Aug. 1 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon.
Community women will prepare Shabbat meals for seniors in the South Hills. If you would like to participate, contact Batya 412.512.2330 or batya@chabadsh.com.
Senior fitness classes
Join a certified senior fitness specialist for two classes Aug. 2 at Castle Shannon Library.
Classes are $5 each and designed to increase muscle strength, joint stability, and joint range of movement, resulting in improved posture and ability to perform activities of daily living.
The senior strength and stability course, 10:45 11:30 a.m., is performed from a seated position and can be accomplished by all. The class consists of stretching, resistance training, posture exercises, and basic coordination exercises. Ample resistance bands will be provided, and limited handheld weights will be available Participants may bring their own weights.
The senior strength, stability and balance course, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., incorporates all of the above plus some standing balance exercises and very light aerobic work.
For more information, call 412-564-5378.
Hospice program
St. David’s Neighborhood Memory Café will host Patricia Tylka, hospice specialist with Kindred Hospice, for a program from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 3.
The program is at St. David’s Episcopal Church, 905 E. McMurray Road, Peters Township. For more information, contact sue.schmidty@gmail.com.
AUP events
Association of University People is looking for single, four-year college graduates over 50 to attend monthly dinners, and meet at various social spots and gatherings. Scheduled are:
• July 26 – Scrabble at the Galleria of Mt. Lebanon, 1 p.m. in the area near Anthropologie. RSVP to Rina at 412-341-8009.
• July 23 – happy hour, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Cafe Notte, 8070 Ohio River Blvd., Emsworth. RSVP to Mark at 412-939-0656.
• July 31 – dinner, 6 p.m. at Revival on Lincoln, 366 Lincoln Ave., Bellevue. RSVP to Mark at 412-939-0656, and call him for more information about the AUP.
Day camps
The Bible Chapel in Peters Township is offering day camps:
• Sports camps – sport-specific morning sessions, and multi-sport afternoon sessions. Participants can register for half-day or full-day camps, which are scheduled from 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. Basketball, July 22-25; soccer, July 29-Aug. 1; wrestling, Aug. 5-8.
For more information or to register, visit biblechapel.org/sports-programs-for-kids.
• Arts camp – 9 a.m. to noon July 22-25. Options are available for children and teens, including dance music, and drawing. For more information or to register, visit biblechapel.org and search “arts camp 2019.”
• Special needs day camp – 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 12-14 for ages 13 and older and Aug. 19-21 for ages 12 and younger, featuring art and music sensory experiences. For more information or to register, visit biblechapel.org/special-needs.
Further information about any of the programs can be obtained by calling 724-941-8990.
Dinner for a Dollar
Community of Christ Church, 3472 South Park Road, Bethel Park, will host “Dinner for a Dollar” from 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 8.
On the menu are spaghetti, bread and rolls, salad and desserts. Donations of $1 for person or $3 per family are accepted, but not required.
No reservations are needed. No take out will be available, including dessert.
For more information or to volunteer for setup or serving dinner, call Janet at 412-831-0458.
Keynotes anniversary celebration
The Keynotes organization is planning its 50th anniversary celebration for Aug. 18 at the Club at Nevillewood in Collier Township.
The event begins at 4 p.m. and features dinner, music and dancing. Keynotes is an organization that has given over $400,000.00 in music scholarships to talented music students.
For more information, contact Lynn Hagan at lhagan@american-healthcare.net or 412-491-7250.
Performing arts classes
Registration for dance, theater and piano classes for the Carnegie Performing Arts Center School will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. Aug. 19-21 at the Carnegie Performing Arts Center Studios, 150 E. Main St.
Classes offered include ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip hop, pre dance, children’s drama, musical theater and piano lessons.
Students at the Carnegie Performing Arts Center School are invited to perform in four full-stage productions during the year: “The Nutcracker,” a Christmas classic taking place for two weekends in December; the charming original ballet of “Sleeping Beauty” in March;, the adventurous dramatic tale of “Treasure Island” in April; and the June school recital.
For information, call 412-279-8887 to request a fall registration packet or visit www.carnegieperformingartscenter.com.
Square dance
Peanut Squares Square Dance Club is sponsoring lessons for $4 per night. The group meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays starting Sept. 19 at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon. No experience, costumes or partner is required. Refreshments will be served.
For more information call Ann at 412-563-0559, or call or text Paul at 412-735-2423.
Country line dancing
Country line dancing is held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at VFW Post 764, 460 Valley Brook Road, Peters Township. Beginners are welcome. For more information, call Bonnie at 724-746-1222.
Bowling league
A bowling league for women 50 and older of all skill levels starts Aug. 28 at AMF Lanes, 1601 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon.
The league is at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays and runs for 33 weeks.
Call Katie at 412-977-4407 or Judy at 512-659-2975 for details.
Bethel Park
Bethel Park Public Library will hold the following programs:
• Cooking class: Lincoln Elementary School teacher Dawn Douds will be at the library at 11 a.m. July 22 to share her passion for cooking in a program for youngsters from kindergarten through fourth grade.
• Family Fort Night starts at 6 o’clock on July 26. Building materials, books, and a snack will be provided. Bring your own flashlight, if you choose. The program is for all ages.
• Blacklight bingo: 6 p.m. July 27. For all ages.
• Summer Scrumptiousness: 11 a.m. July 29 for students in seventh grade and older.
• Breakout games: 7 p.m. July 29 for students in seventh grade and older. Participants will have 60 minutes to work together to figure out clues and solve a mystery in order to “escape” the library.
• Minecraft building competition: 7 p.m. July 30. Test your skills against other Minecraft fanatics in an old-school block building competition of Minecraft characters. For fifth- and sixth-graders.
Mt. Lebanon
• “What We Can Do For A Warming Earth,” 7 p.m. July 22
Most Americans are concerned about climate change, but many are worried that mitigating the risk would entail giving up their comfortable lifestyle and wreaking havoc on the economy. The U.S. House of Representatives has proposed a new solution that could actually stimulate our economy and improve our health while significantly reducing America’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act enacts a rising fee on carbon emissions and then returns the collected fees to all American households equally. Its features have attracted bipartisan support, and a grassroots group, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, is focused on getting it passed. Chris Mullin will explain the details of the act, the ways that CCL works towards its passage and how supporters can get involved.
• “A Universe of Stories from India,” 2:30 p.m. July 23
Nandini Mandal, artistic director for the Nandanik Dance Troupe, presents “Navarasa,” stories from ancient India through dance and music with interactive sessions. Stories, tales and ancient fables unfold in vibrant colors through hand gestures (Mudras), body movements and rhythm patterns that suit all abilities.
• Summer Reading Salon, 1:30 p.m. July 27
The salon aims to bring book lovers together to share book recommendations, discuss recent reads, enjoy some light summer fare, and make some new friends. Come prepared to talk about a book or two that you would recommend. If you’d like to participate in the Yankee Book Swap, bring a wrapped, gently used or new book. Participants must register and at 412-942-0932.
• From Pittsburgh to the Moon: How Western Pennsylvania Industry and Innovation Contributed to the Space Race, 7 p.m. July 30
Emily Ruby, curator for the Heinz History Center, will discuss Pennsylvania’s contributions to the Apollo 11 moon landing and the Space Race.
• Universe of Stories: Meet Mt. Lebanon, 1:30 p.m. Aug. 1.
Meet Mt. Lebanon Police Chief Aaron Lauth and enjoy a casual conversation and light refreshments.
• Concert in the Courtyard: Lee Robinson, 7 p.m. Aug. 1.
Concerts will be held in the library’s outdoor courtyard, but will move inside if it rains. This concert series runs every Thursday night in August.
Saxophonist Lee Robinson who has been an active participate on the Pittsburgh jazz scene for more than 35 years. He has performed in several R&B show bands and jazz ensembles, blending his improvisation with different styles of music for years.
• Swap Shop Social: Fiber Frenzy, 2-4 p.m. Aug. 4
Do you have yarn, floss, fabric, patterns, and other crafting supplies and materials that you no longer need or use? Then bring a bag or box, no more than two, to the library’s swap shop and take something new home. The event is free and open to the public, even to those who have nothing to swap.