
What’s Happening: Week of May 26

9 min read

Cooking Carnival

The Jewish Kids Club invites all junior chefs to the Cooking Carnival grand finale from 4 to 5:30 p.m. May 30 at Chabad of the South Hills Mt. Lebanon.

Participate in Shavuot carnival stations including flower arrangement, cheesecake, Mt. Sinai cupcakes and photo magnets. The event is open to all youngsters regardless of previous participation, and will include an award ceremony and gifts. Cost is $10 per child.

Register at Email for more information.

Chancel Choir concert

The spring Chancel Choir concert, “And Can It Be?”, is at 7:30 p.m. June 1 in the sanctuary of Christ United Methodist Church, 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park.

The concert is free and open to the public, with a freewill offering taken to benefit this year’s youth group mission trip and youth choir tour.

PT Library hosts author

Peters Township Public Library will host Washington & Jefferson College Professor James Longo, who will discuss his book, “Hitler and the Habsburgs: The Fuhrer’s Vendetta Against the Austrian Royals” at 7 p.m. May 30. Register to attend this free program by calling 724-941-9430.

Longo is Professor of Education, and Education Department Chair at W&J. He is a former Fulbright Scholar and Distinguished Chair of the Gender and Women’s Study Program at Alpen-Adrian University in Austria and has lectured throughout Europe and America.

Peters Twp. Community Day

The 41st Annual Peters Township Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 29, at Peterswood Park. Vendor applications will be sent out in March. To be added to the mailing list, email

Blessing of the Bikes

American Legion Riders of Post 760 in Bethel Park will hold their sixth annual Blessing of the Bikes charity run on June 2 at St. Valentine Church, 2710 Ohio St.

The event is rain or shine. Registration is from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Dinner and an auction of prizes follows at the Legion, 2409 Bethel Church Road.

The cost is $20 per person with a T-shirt included, or $15 for dinner only. For more information, call John Lappe at 412-780-0419.

College Club

The College Club of Carnegie will meet June 1 at Crowne Plaza Suites Pittsburgh South, 164 Fort Couch Road, Bethel Park.

A social at 11:30 p.m. is followed by lunch at noon. After lunch, Caitlin Driscoll of the Better Business Bureau will speak about scam recognition.

For more information, call 412-279-4458.

Divorce workshop

A divorce workshop for women will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 8 at Southminister Presbyterian Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon.

The four-hour workshop will explore the legal, financial, and emotional issues of divorce to educate on what to expect and how to prepare. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of how to get through the divorce process with the least amount of cost, conflict and collateral damage.

Materials fee is $35 per person and pre-registration is necessary by June 6 to Donna at 724-493-9695.

Preschool openings

John McMillan Preschool in Bethel Park has limited space available in its Monday-Wednesday-Friday class for 4-year-olds.

Through hands-on learning activities, children will practice social, fine motor and self-help skills that are essential in today’s kindergarten classrooms. There is increased emphasis on pre-reading, math, science, writing and language skills

Each day will include free play and gross motor time. Afternoon enrichment classes will be offered throughout the school year to extend your child’s day.

Registration forms and more information are available at To arrange a tour, contact Lori Feldmann at 412-833-4704 or

Bethel Woman’s Club

The Bethel Woman’s Club will celebrate the close of the 2018-19 year with a banquet at the South Hill Country Club on June 6, during which elections for officers will be held.

Following installation of the new board is entertainment by ventriloquist Cindy Speck. All women will be invited to attend.

Educational support meeting

The Pittsburgh Mercy Parish Nurse & Health Ministry Program, a member of Trinity Health, serving in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, will a health ministry educational support meeting, “Spiritual Care of the Elderly with Dementia,” on June 6 in Conference Room A105 of Christ United Methodist Church, 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park. Enter church building door No. 2 under the portico.

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m., and the program runs from 6 to 8. It will focus on understanding dementia and the collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain.

Participants will explore the roles of faith community nurses and health ministers as they offer spiritual care to parishioners/congregation members with dementia and their family caregivers.

The meeting is free for those who do not wish to receive continuing education credits and $10 for registered nurses who want the educational credits. A check or cash is acceptable at the door. Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information or to register, contact the Pittsburgh Mercy Parish Nurse & Health Ministry Program at 412-232-5815 or

Family Fun Night

Spencer Family YMCA in Bethel Park will host a family fun night open house from 5:30 to 8 p.m. June 21. Guests are invited to swim, try some fitness challenges or enjoy a workout on the wellness floor. The event is free and open to the public. Participation requires signing a waiver at the welcome center. For more information, call 412-347-6565.

YMCA summer day camps

Spencer Family YMCA summer day camps for kids and teens, held at Silent Brook Barn in South Park and at Spencer Y in Bethel Park, provide a safe and enriching environment for campers to participate in healthy, developmentally appropriate activities and learning experiences.

The camps focus on having fun while learning and building self-esteem and social skills through new activities. Weekly themes keep campers engaged and provide a basis for kids to learn about themselves and the world around them.

Camps begin June 10 and run through Aug. 23. Visit for more information and to register online.

Summer Dance Camps

Spencer Family Y, Bethel Park, will offer the following dance camps:

n Prince and Princess Dance Camp for children ages 3-5 includes a dance class, craft and time for a snack from home, plus a creative play. Session I runs June 17 and 24; Session II runs July 11 and 18. Both sessions are from 10:30 a.m. to noon and are $30 per session.

n Swan Lake Camp for ages 6-12 will teach students ballet, jazz and character dances. A craft of tutu construction will also be part of this camp. Session I runs June 20 and 27; Session II runs July 11 and 18. Both sessions are from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and are $40 per session. Space is limited. To register, call 412-347-6565 or visit

Senior health and wellness

Active at Any Age senior health and wellness sessions are from 1 to 2 p.m. Fridays at the Spencer Family YMCA in Bethel Park.

June 7: meet and greet, light refreshments and coffee

June 14: cards and games

June 21: cards and games

June 28: lunch and learn

Along with social sessions the Y offers Active at Any Age aqua exercise, chair yoga, tai chi, cardio, strength, stretching and toning classes. For more information contact JoAnn Guilfoil, healthy living director, at 412-347-6565 or

Senior cookout

Mt. Lebanon Recreation will host a senior cookout at 11 a.m. June 4 in Room A, second floor, Mt. Lebanon Recreation Center.

Senior adults and their adult guests are invited. Mt. Lebanon residency is not required.

The event starts with bingo games and prizes. The cookout is at noon, and entertainment by Peggy and Jack is from 1 to 2 p.m.

The cookout is sponsored by Brookdale Senior Living and Gallagher Home Health Services.

Please preregister. Walk-ins are not encouraged and will be accepted only if space permits. A late fee is charged.

Fee is $7, due the Friday before the luncheon. Call 412-343-3409 for more information.

Dinner for a dollar

Community of Christ, 3472 South Park Road, Bethel Park, will host dinner for a dollar from 5 to 7 p.m. June 13.

On the menu are spaghetti, bread and rolls, salad and dessert. Suggested donation is $1 per person or $3 per family. No reservations are needed, and no takeout is available.

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help set up for the dinner on June 12 or help serve dinner the following day, call Janet at 412.831.0458

Dinners for a dollar are held the second Thursday of each month, except in July and December.

Horses with Hope

The Horses with Hope Fundraiser will be held at 4:30 p.m. June 8 during the 151st running of the Belmont Stakes Event at South Hills Country Club. Cocktails, appetizers and dinner will be provided at a cost of $125 a Person or $1,000 for a table of 10. For more information, visit or email

Strawberry festival

Peters Creek Evangelical Presbyterian Church invites the community to its Strawberry Festival from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 14 at 905 E. McMurray Road, Peters Township (St. David’s Episcopal Parish Hall).

On the menu are fried chicken, roast beef, sides and strawberry shortcake with ice cream. Featured are children’s crafts, the Bounce House Jazz Band and a theme basket raffle. Call the church office at 724-941-6210 for tickets. Adult are $10; children 12 and under, $5; and senior citizens, $8. Dessert only is $4. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Proceeds benefit church missions.


Country line


Country line dancing is held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at VFW Post 764, 460 Valley Brook Road, Peters Township. Beginners are welcome. For more information, call Bonnie at 724-746-1222.

Dementia education

Pittsburgh Mercy Parish Nurse and Health Ministry Program will present “Spiritual Care of the Elderly with Dementia,” an educational offering focusing on understanding dementia and the collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain, June 6 at Christ United Methodist Church, Conference Room A105, 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park

Registration is at 5:30 p.m., and the session is from 6 to 8 p.m. Enter church building door No. 2 under portico.

For more information or to register, contact the Pittsburgh Mercy Parish Nurse & Health Ministry Program at 412-232-5815 or email


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