What’s Happening: Nov. 24
Historical Society holiday event
Peters Creek Historical Society invites members and guests to a holiday social event at 6 p.m. Nov. 25 in the social room of Wright’s United Methodist Church, 788 Venetia Road, Peters Township. Covered dishes and hors d’oeuvres brought by members will be served.
The society’s holiday gathering is a prelude to the annual Soup and Stroll, from noon to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 8 at the historic Enoch Wright House, Museum of Westward Expansion, 815 Venetia Road. A supper with homemade soup and desserts, artisan bread and beverage will be served. An invitation to stroll through the house, mining room, Father Christmas and log cabin is extended to all who visit.
For more information, visit www.peterscreekhistoricalsociety.org, or call 724-746-3203 or 724-348-6406.
Thanksgiving Service
South Hills Interfaith Movement is joining with four congregations to host its 53rd annual Thanksgiving Service.
The service is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 26 at Bower Hill Community Church, 70 Moffett St., Mt. Lebanon. Also participating are Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, St. Bernard and Our Lady of Grace Parish, and Temple Emanuel.
Featured are choir performances and general worship with parts dedicated to each faith: Reform Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism and Presbyterianism.
Thanksgiving 5k in Bethel Park
The Thanksgiving Day Bethel Park Recreation Turkey Trot 5k Run and Walk is scheduled from 7:30 to 11 a.m. Nov. 28 on the Montour Trail.
The starting line is 800 feet north of the J.R. Taylor Bridge over Clifton Road. Parking is available at Washington Elementary School and Al’s Café.
Advance packet pickup is from 6 to 9 p.m. Nov. 24-27 at Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave.
Cash prizes go to the top three male and female finishers. Medals will be given to the top Masters finishers, age 40-plus, and top three in each age group (12 and under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50-plus.
To register, visit https://runsignup.com/Race/PA/BethelPark/ThanksgivingDayBethelParkRecreationTurkeyTrot5kRunWalk.
Open Mic night
Musicians, songwriters and poets, as well as audience members, are invited to attend the “Artists At Atonement Open Mic” at the Church of the Atonement at 618 Washington Ave, Carnegie, from 6:30-9 p.m. Dec. 1. This is a BYOB event, so feel free to enjoy the performances with either beer or wine. Performers should come about 20 minutes early to sign up.
Holiday Fundraiser
There will be a holiday fundraiser for Angel Ridge Animal Rescue at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2040 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair, from 2-4 p.m. Dec. 1.
There will be a book reading and signing of “Wilson & Bella’s Christmas Wish!” – written and illustrated by award-winning author Susan Castriota – that follows Wilson, the adopted poodle, and his dog friend Bella on their quest to find a foster home for their friend Holly, a very special shelter dog.
Autographed books available for purchase, 2020 lottery calendars, gift basket raffle and “Real Life Rescue” greeting cards for purchase. A portion of the proceeds from every sale benefits Angel Ridge Animal Rescue Meet adoptable dogs from Angel Ridge Animal Rescue. Admission is free and open to the public. Bring a food donation for Angel Ridge Animal Rescue and receive a Wilson Gift Basket raffle ticket.
Auditions for Little Lake
Little Lake Theatre Company will hold auditions for adult actors for the first three plays of the 2020 season from 4-10 p.m. Dec. 1 and 6:30-10 p.m. Dec. 2. Visit www.littlelake.org/auditions to sign up and for more information. All auditions will be cold readings from the scripts. The first three plays are “Amadeus,” Ken Ludwig’s “Moon Over Buffalo” and “Born Yesterday.” For more information, contact Jena Oberg at 724-745-6300 or email jena@littlelake.org.
SHOP@USC sets Holiday hours
SHOP@USC will host a special HolidaySHOP to stock up on gifts and cards for your Panther fans, friends and family. Visit SHOP@USC from 8-11 a.m. on Dec. 3, 6, 10, 13 and 17 in the Upper St. Clair High School theater lobby. Items for sale include: specially-designed greeting cards; holiday specialty items and Upper St. Clair spirit gear.
SHOP@USC (Showing How Opportunity Pays @ Upper St. Clair) is a nationally-recognized, fully-inclusive student-run business housed within Upper St. Clair High School’s Innovation Hub. Students in the Life Skills program and their regular education partners design and manufacture USC spirit-wear products while learning how to develop a business plan that includes all aspects such as pricing, marketing, sales and inventory of products. For more information, contact Michelle Zirngibl, SHOP@USC coordinator, at SHOP@USCsd.k12.pa.us.
S.H. Assembly of God programs
Life Recovery, a confidential Christian recovery group for any addiction, holds an open meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at South Hills Assembly of God, 2725 Bethel Church Road in Bethel Park.
Family Rescue, support and healing for family members and loved ones negatively impacted by addiction, also meets at 7 and then separates into its own small group.
Also at the church, Grief Share meets from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Thursdays through Dec. 5 or from 10 a.m. to Noon Fridays through Dec. 6. The class consists of DVD teaching, followed by time for discussion and sharing. Registration is $15, which includes workbook and weekly handouts.
USC Light Up For Unity Night
Upper St. Clair residents are invited to join their community members and neighbors at dusk on Dec. 8 for Upper St. Clair’s first annual Light Up For Unity Night. Three community groups – the Community Foundation of Upper St. Clair, the Upper St. Clair/Bethel Park Breakfast Rotary Club, and the Upper St. Clair Band Parents Association, along with sponsor Brentwood Bank – are coming together to host Light Up for Unity Night to celebrate our community and its differences.
To participate, Upper St. Clair residents need only to set out luminaria on Dec. 8 at dusk. Community members are further encouraged to turn on their assembled holiday outdoor light displays to fully engage in this community-inspired opportunity. Luminaria kits can be purchased from all Upper St. Clair High School instrumental students, who will make and deliver the kits on Dec. 7. The kits can also be ordered online at www.uscbpa.org. The deadline to place an order is Dec. 2. For more information, contact Amanda McQuillan at bpaluminaria@gmail.com or call 412-726-5949.
McMurray Lions sale
McMurray Lions Club is selling Koeze Nut products, including as cashews, mixed nuts, chocolates, caramel crunch and more. Proceeds go directly to help local Lions charities. For a complete listing of products and pricing, visit www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/mcmurray. Order before Dec. 3.
Safe driving class
South Fayette Township Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Seniors for Safe Driving class at 5 p.m. Dec. 3 at the South Fayette Senior Center at 515 Millers Run Road. It is approved by PennDOT and designed for drivers ages 55 and older. There’s no exam, and there is only classroom instruction. No on-the-road driving is required. Participants can receive a 5 percent discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years, as mandated by Pennsylvania state law
Registration is available by calling 800-559-4880, by going online to www.seniorsforsafedriving.com or by signing up at the South Fayette Township Building, also located at 515 Millers Run Road.
Canon-Mac reunion
Canon-McMillan High School Class of 1999 is holding a 20-year reunion at 6 p.m. Nov. 30 at the SNPJ Lodge 138 in Strabane. Tickets are $50 per person and include dinner (vegetarian and gluten-free options available), dessert, non-alcoholic beverages and live music by ’90s cover band Pixelated. Cash bar. For tickets, visit https://cm1999.ticketbud.com/20-year-reunion. For more information, email Katie Green at kmavrich@yahoo.com.
Holiday cookie sale
St. Gregory Byzantine Catholic Church at 2005 Mohawk Road (Brookside Farms) in Upper St. Clair is inviting the public to its ninth Annual Taste of Heaven Cookie Sale featuring ethnic delicacies, traditional holiday cookies and everyday favorites from 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 7. Cash or Check only. For additional information call 412-835-7800.
Christmas at Neville House
Celebrate the Christmas holiday season by candlelight at Woodville Plantation as the organization commemorates holiday traditions and music of the early to mid 19th century. Tour the Neville House at 1375 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, and experience holiday music performed in the parlour, and hear of traditions and stories from Christmas past. Candlelight Christmas will take place Dec. 8, with tours starting at 5 p.m., with the last tour departing at 8 p.m. Tickets for “A Candlelight Christmas — Celebrating Christmas Past” are currently on sale, and cost $10 for adults and $5 for children. Reservations are appreciated but not required. For more information, call at 412-221-0348 or email tiffanyatnevillehouse@gmail.com.
Scholarship fundraiser
A fundraiser to benefit the Scott Beynon Memorial Scholarship Fund will be held at 3 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Library Volunteer Fire Hall when the Pittsburgh Steelers play the Arizona Cardinals. Tickets are $50 for adults, $60 at the door and $20 for Children 10 and under. Includes pre-game snacks, dinner by Cyd West Comfort Catering, beer and mixers. BYOB. Tickets are available at Evey Hardware, Beynon’s Service Center or by calling Ann Henney at 412-576-1932. Tickets will be sold for basket and TV raffles at the event. Funds will be used for a student pursuing continuing education in automotive technology.
USC community pep rally
Upper St. Clair School District will host its Winter Community Pep Rally at 7 p.m. Dec. 3 in the high school gymnasium. The event is free and open to the community.
The pep rally will include a variety of competitions among the Upper St. Clair High School’s winter varsity sports teams including a dizzy bat relay, human caterpillar race, hungry hippos, scavenger hunt and a team dance off. In addition, the event will feature performances by the drumline, cheerleaders as well as the dance and hip-hop teams.
Participating teams include girls’ and boys’ basketball, wrestling, rifle, girls’ and boys’ swimming and diving, ice hockey, indoor track, crew, cheerleading, hip/hop, dance, and the marching band drumline.
For more information about the Winter Community Pep Rally, contact Athletics Director Kevin Deitrick at 412-833-1600 ext. 2261 or via email at kdeitrick@uscsd.k12.pa.us.
Holiday party
The South Hills Women’s Club will have its holiday party on Dec. 9. The group will meet at Houlihan’s at the Galleria at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7. For more information on the club, call Susan at 412-257-1057.
USC concerts
The Upper St. Clair Performing Arts Department presents a series of concerts and performances by students of all ages. All start at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public:
Dec. 9 – Boyce Orchestra Winter Concert, Boyce Middle School theater;
Dec. 10 – Fort Couch Band Concert, Upper St. Clair High School theater;
Dec. 11 – Boyce Winter Band Concert, Boyce theater;
Dec. 12 – Fort Couch/Boyce Winter Chorus Concert, high school theater;
Dec. 17 – High School Choir Concert, high school theater;
Dec. 18: Fort Couch Orchestra Concert, high school theater;
Dec. 19 – High School Winter Instrumental Concert, high school theater;
Jan. 8: Elementary Combined Choral Concert, high school theater;
Jan. 15: Combined Strings Concert, high school theater.
Panel discussion The Youth Steering Committee of Upper St. Clair is hosting a panel discussion, “Vaping … Addictive, Dangerous and Deadly,” at 7 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Community & Recreation Center at Boyce Mayview Park. The program is free and open to the public.
Christmas Bake Sale/Cookie Walk
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, 601 Boone Ave., Canonsburg, is having a Christmas Bake Sale and Cookie Walk from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 14. Advance orders are being taken for nut, poppy and apricot rolls. Please call 724-743-0231 by Dec. 8.