What’s Happening: Nov. 3
Carnegie job fair
JFCS Career Development Center presents Carnegie Job Fair on Nov. 6 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall in Carnegie. More than 30 local employers, training and resource providers are attending the free event. Registration is preferred by emailing gyoung@jfcspgh.org, but not necessary. For more information, go to jfcspgh.org/event/carnegie-career-fair.
Preschool Story House
St. Elizabeth Elementary School in Baldwin Borough will hold a Preschool Story Hour open to the public from 1-2 p.m. Nov. 7. Any child who is 3 or older (and is potty-trained) is welcome to attend. There will be a story, followed by some activities with some of the middle school’s students. Children can be dropped off after signing in with one of the preschool teachers. Parents can stay, but it’s not necessary. For more information, email slydon@st-elizabeth.org.
Jewelry sale
The annual Operation Troop Appreciation Jewelry Sale will be held from 1-7p.m. Nov. 8 and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 9. Gently used costume jewelry has been donated in order to fund needed items for deployed troops and displaced veterans. Please join us at the South Park Community Center at 2675 Brownsville Road in South Park behind the South Park Library.
Gem Show in Bethel Park
The Pittsburgh Gem Show will be held Nov. 8-10 at Crowne Plaza Suites Pittsburgh South, 164 Fort Couch Road, Bethel Park. The event will feature thousands of rocks, minerals, fossils and crystals ranging from tumbled stones costing $1 up to museum-quality specimens of amethyst, citrine, quartz, and petrified wood. For more information, visit www.pittsburghgemshow.com.
Craft Show and Vendor Fair
The Joy of Christmas Craft Show and Vendor Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 9 at South Hills Assembly, 2725 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park. More than 50 crafters and vendors will be present at the event, which includes a bake sale, Christmas café and ticket auction. Admission is free.
Holiday A-Fair in Bethel Park
Christmas gifts crafted by local vendors, drawings for gift baskets and a buffet lunch featuring a choice of three salads and a homemade dessert all are included in Holiday A-Fair, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 9 at Bethel Presbyterian Church, 2999 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park. Lunch, served from 11 to 1, is for $8 for adults and $3 for children.
Proceeds will be distributed to Presbyterian Women’s Pittsburgh Presbytery Missions, Brother’s Brother, Meals on Wheels, Church World Service, South Hills Interfaith Movement, Bethel Presbyterian Preschool Scholarship Fund, Presbyterian Thank Offering, and Bethel Presbyterian Youth Group. The youth group will use its allocation toward the cost of a mission trip with Reach to rehabilitate homes in a city in United States.
Divorce Workshop
A divorce workshop for women will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 9 at Southminister Presbyterian Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon.
The workshop will explore the legal, financial, and emotional issues of divorce to educate on what to expect and how to prepare. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of how to get through the divorce process with the least amount of cost, conflict and collateral damage. Materials fee is $35 per person and pre-registration is necessary by Nov. 6 at 724-493-9695.
St. Vals Craft, Vendor Fair
Limited space is available for the St. Valentine Christmas Craft and Vendor Fair, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 9 in Frawley Hall at St. Valentine Church, 2710 Ohio St., Bethel Park. All proceeds benefit St. Valentine Preschool. For more information, contact, Judy Mills at jmills@stvals.org or 412-835-5539.
St. Benedict Craft Show
There will be a craft and vendor show with 35 vendors benefiting the Family Promise group from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 9 at St. Benedict the Abbot Church in Peters Township in the Pope Benedict Activity Center. The funds raised by the event will help pay for gas for their van that transports the families, purchase items for their breakfast food pantry and diapers for the children. There will be hot food including pierogies for purchase or to take home for $8 a dozen.
Bower Hill VFD Craft Show
The Bower Hill Volunteer Fire Department will hold a craft and vendor fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 10 at its fire hall located at 161 Vanadium Road in Scott Township.
Holiday grief program
“Dealing With Grief Through the Holidays” will be presented from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. Nov. 11 in LeGras Hall at St. Louise de Marillac Church, 320 McMurray Road, Upper St. Clair. A speaker from Three Rivers Hospice will present the program, which includes an opportunity for questions and answers. RSVP to Sister Faith by Nov. 4 at 412-833-1240 or sfaith@stlouisedemarillac.org.
Raising Kids program
The Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Council Wellness Committee will host author Michele Borba on Nov. 11 for in-service teacher training and a community presentation. The free program, “Unselfie: Raising Caring, Successful Kids In a Plugged-in, Trophy-driven World,” is scheduled for 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Upper St. Clair High School Theater. The event is in collaboration with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Nursery School in Mt. Lebanon, the Upper St. Clair Youth Steering Committee and Upper St. Clair School Board and superintendent’s office, with a grant from the Community Foundation of Upper St. Clair.
South Hills Women’s Club
The South Hills Women’s Club will meet at 8 p.m. Nov. 11 at 50 Vanadium Road, Bridgeville. Tammy Hepps will share her usable history regarding genealogy to help others research and apply genealogy to their personal histories and their communities. Those interested in attending should call Sue at 412-257-1057.
Chabad Senior Lunch
A lunch for senior citizens is scheduled for noon Nov. 12 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon. Age Well Pittsburgh will present “Aging Better and Safer.” A $5 donation is suggested. For more information and to register, call 412-278-2658.
Courses offered
A six-week series, “Worrier to Warrior: Jewish Secrets to Feeling Good, However You Feel,” starts Nov. 12, presented by Chabad of the South Hills.
Mined from the teachings of the Torah and contemporary psychology, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute course takes a fresh approach to the battle against bad feelings, providing realistic spiritual mechanisms for remaining upbeat no matter what life brings.
The course sill be offered from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at the South Hills Jewish Community Center, 345 Kane Blvd., Scott Township, and also from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Sundays, starting Nov. 17, at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon.
For more information, call 412-344-2424 or email rabbi@chabadsh.com.
Hilltoppers of Scott to meet
The Hilltoppers of Scott Township, a senior citizens group, will meet Nov. 13 at Covenant-Community Presbyterian Church, 1630 Greentree Road, Scott Township. Doors open at 11 a.m. for fellowship. Bring a brown bag lunch to eat at noon. Beverage will be provided. The Mary and Ken Duo will perform contemporary and pop music favorites, as well as jazz and Ragtime. Visitors and new members are welcome. For more information, call 412-341-8640.
Dinner for a Dollar
Community of Christ, 3472 South Park Road, Bethel Park, will be holding dinner for a dollar from 5 to 7 p.m., Nov. 14. Spaghetti, bread and rolls, fresh garden salad and dessert will be served. The church accepts donations of $1 per person or $3 per family. The donation is not required. No reservations needed. No take out will be available. For any questions or volunteer requests, call Janet at Janet at 412-805-7194.
Shabbat of Unity, Life and Light
“Shabbat of Unity, Life and Light: Community Friday Night Dinner Honoring the Yahrzeit of Our 11 Brothers and Sisters” is at 5:30 Nov. 15 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon.
Special guest at the dinner, which honors the victims of the Tree of Life Congregation, is psychologist Sharon Saul. A special program will be presented for children.
Cost is $18 for adults and $12 for children 12 and under, with a $54 family maxiumum. Please RSVP before Nov. 13 to batya@chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424.
Farm to Table Harvest Tasting
Farm to Table Western PA and Buy Fresh Buy Local are hosting a Farm to Table Harvest Tasting from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Galleria of Mt. Lebanon.
The event features samples from local and regional vendors, including farms, breweries and wineries. Guests can also purchase local items and enjoy music. Tickets are $20 in advance for adults and $10 for children, available at farmtotablepa.com/events. General admission tickets will be available at the door for $25 for adults and $15 for children.
Farm to Table Western PA and Farm to Table Buy Local conduct business-to-business events, Lunch and Learns, cooking demonstrations, local tastings, farmers’ market tastings and student assemblies. For more information, visit farmtotablepa.com.
South Park Oldies Dance
Friends of South Park will host an oldies dance from 7 to 11 p.m. Nov. 16 in the park’s Home Economics Building, behind the Allegeny County Police Station. Cost is $30 per person and includes a full catered dinner by Cyd West. For tickets, contact Sharon Adams at sadams6528@verizon.net or 412-897-2403, or visit www.southparkfriends.org.
Nurses club to meet
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Registered Nurses Club will meet at 9:30 am Nov. 19 at Hamilton Presbyterian Church, 4500 Hamilton Road, Bethel Park. David von Hofen is scheduled to speak at the event and will present the topic, “Update on Parkinson’s Disease.” All registered nurses are welcome to attend. For more information, call Linda at 412-882-6114.
Bethel Woman’s Club meets
The Bethel Woman’s Club will hold its monthly meeting on Nov. 20 at the South Hills Elks Lodge, 2789 South Park Road, Bethel Park. Social gathering begins at 11:30. Lunch is served at noon. For reservation information, call Pat at 412-831-1861. Luncheon payments must be received by Nov. 15.
Guest speaker is Rose Gantner, who served as a Donut Dolly to the troops in Vietnam. Bill Haberthur of the Bethel Park Historical Society will be presented with a $10,000 check to fund the restoration of a classroom in the Schoolhouse Arts and History Center. Sarris candy bars will be available with profits benefitting Meals on Wheels and SHIM. All women in the South Hills are eligible to attend.
U.S. Air Force Band Concert
The U.S. Air Force Heritage of America Concert Band will present a free concert at 7 p.m. Nov. 20 in the Upper St. Clair High School theater, 1825 McLaughlin Run Road. The concert is open to the public.
John Seybert, Upper St. Clair School District’s performing arts curriculum leader, will serve as a guest conductor, and members of the high school band will perform alongside the Air Force band.
The U.S. Air Force Heritage of America Concert Band is comprised of more than 40 professional airmen-musicians who tour regularly with a variety of renditions of orchestral classics, marches, Broadway hits, jazz standards, movie music and patriotic favorites.
For more information about the concert, contact Master Sgt. Ryan Heseltine at 757-225-3295, or visit www.heritageofamericaband.af.mil.
USC PTC Open mic
The Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Council will host its semiannual Open Mic at 7 p.m. Nov. 20 in the Boyce Middle School theater. The focus for the evening will be on student wellness. For more information about PTC Open Mics, contact Kerstin Goodworth, PTC vice-president and Open Mic committee chairperson, at kerstinmayr@hotmail.com.
Kindergarten Meet & Greet
St. Elizabeth Elementary School will hold a Kindergarten Meet & Greet for parents looking to send their children to kindergarten. Come to St. Elizabeth Elementary School on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 45 to meet with Mrs. Lisa Jarosh. Parents will receive a brief overview of the kindergarten curriculum. This is a parent-only meeting. The children will have an opportunity to visit the classroom and meet with Mrs. Jarosh in January. For more information, email Jarosh at ljarsoh@st-elizabeth.org.
Retired Men Meet
The Retired Men’s Luncheon Group invites retirees to its lunch at noon Nov. 21 at Pleasant Hills Presbyterian Church, 199 Old Clairton Road in Pleasant Hills. Following lunch, the Thomas Jefferson High School acappella choir will perform seasonal songs under the direction of Julia Lucia. The cost for lunch is $8 and payable at the door. Please reserve your lunch by calling the church office at 412-655-2000, option 0.
Christmas drop-off
Crossroads Ministries again will serve as a local drop-off site for this year’s Operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution project. Now in its 26th year, Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, has collected shoeboxes filled with gifts for children ranging in age from 2 to 14. The shoeboxes are delivered to children in need in the United States and around the world.
Crossroads Ministries is located at 81 Walter Long Drive, Finleyville.
National Collection Week this year is Monday, Nov. 18, through Monday, Nov. 25. Collection hours at Crossroads are Monday, Nov. 18 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday, Nov. 19 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov. 20 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursday, Nov. 21 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 22 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 23 – 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 24 – noon to 4 p.m.; and Monday, Nov. 25, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Last year churches and community organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania gathered 19,690 shoeboxes. For more information on Crossroads Ministries’ collection program, please call the church office at 724-348-1620.
Free Thanksgiving dinner
Ma & Pop’s Country Kitchen at 2840 South Park Road in Bethel Park is offering a free Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day to those who would have to be alone or those who may not be able to provide a nice meal for their family. The restaurant will be serving from 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 28. Call 412-595-8451, option 2 to make a reservation for a seating time.
Canon-McMillan reunion
Canon-McMillan High School Class of 1999 is holding a 20-year reunion at 6 p.m. Nov. 30 at the SNPJ Lodge 138 in Strabane. Tickets are $50 per person and include dinner (vegetarian and gluten-free options available), dessert, non-alcoholic beverages and live music by ’90s cover band Pixelated. Cash bar. For tickets, visit https://cm1999.ticketbud.com/20-year-reunion. For more information, email Katie Green at kmavrich@yahoo.com.
Scholarship fundraiser
A fundraiser to benefit the Scott Beynon Memorial Scholarship Fund will be held at 3 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Library Volunteer Fire Hall when the Pittsburgh Steelers play the Arizona Cardinals. Tickets are $50 for adults, $60 at the door and $20 for Children 10 and under. Includes pre-game snacks, dinner by Cyd West Comfort Catering, beer and mixers. BYOB. Tickets are available at Evey Hardware, Beynon’s Service Center or by calling Ann Henney at 412-576-1932. Tickets will be sold for basket and TV raffles at the event. Funds will be used for a student pursuing continuing education in automotive technology.
Adult Interest Center
The Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, began its 45th year of operation in September. The center, which is open to people ages 55 and older, meets at 11 a.m. Fridays in the church’s fellowship hall. Entertainment is featured, with an optional catered lunch for $7.
The schedule includes:
Fitness for 55-plus
Fitness classes for adults 55 and older are scheduled at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Upper St. Clair:
Strong Bodies – Strong Bones, 9 to 9:50 a.m. Wednesdays through Dec. 18. Cost is $65;
Arthritis Foundation exercise, 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. Mondays and 10 to 10:50 a.m. Wednesdays through Dec. 18. Cost is $40 for Mondays and $35 for Wednesdays;
Tai chi, 11:15 to noon Wednesdays through Dec. 18. Cost is $65.
For more information, visit wroc.westminster-church.org or call 412-835-6630, extension 200.
Safe driving class
South Fayette Township Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Seniors for Safe Driving class at 5 p.m. Dec. 3 at the South Fayette Senior Center at 515 Millers Run Road. It is approved by PennDOT and designed for drivers ages 55 and older. There’s no exam, and there is only classroom instruction. No on-the-road driving is required. Participants can receive a 5 percent discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years, as mandated by Pennsylvania state law.
Registration is available by calling 800-559-4880, by going online to www.seniorsforsafedriving.com or by signing up at the South Fayette Township Building, also located at 515 Millers Run Road.