What’s Happening Jan. 19
Outreach days change
State Rep. Natalie Mihalek, R-Upper St. Clair, announced that her regularly scheduled January and February outreach days at the Schoolhouse Arts and History Center will change because of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Presidents Day holidays.
The schedule is from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 21 and Feb. 18 at 2600 South Park Road, Bethel Park. Starting in March, the hours will resume there every third Monday of the month.
Mihalek’s full-time office is located at 3515 Washington Road, Suite 540, in Peters Township and can be reached at 724-942-2045. For more information, visit www.RepMihalek.com or on her Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/RepMihalek.
Senator’s mobile office hours
State Sen. Pam Iovino, D-Mt. Lebanon, will hold mobile office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 23 at Upper St. Clair Township Library.
Her staff will be on hand to help answer questions about state government services and programs, and to allow constituents to share their opinions on policy and legislation.
No appointment is necessary. Visit www.senatoriovino.com.
Genealogy society meets
The Mt. Lebanon Genealogy Society will meet at 1 p.m. Jan. 21 at 1 Mt. Lebanon Public Library.
This month’s meeting will feature the video “Seek and Ye Shall Find: Become an Ancestry Search Expert.” Are you getting the most out of Ancestry’s collections? Are your searches as effective as they can be? Whether you are trying to answer a specific question or just trying to find everything you can about a specific person, the video will show you how to achieve your goal.
The meeting is free and open to the public.
Holocaust speaker
As part of the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh Generations Speakers Series, Mt. Lebanon Public Library will host Debbie Leuchter Stueber 7 p.m. Jan. 23.
Her parents, Kurt and Edith Leuchter, survived the Holocaust, fighting Nazis in the underground resistance before they were able to make a new life in America.
The program is presented by the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh, the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. Registration is required at jfedpgh.org/generations-debbie-stueber.
Pittsburgh jazz series
“Pittsburgh Jazz, Past and Present” is scheduled for 10 a.m. Fridays, Jan. 24 through Feb. 14, at Mt. Lebanon Public Library.
Abby Mendelson will present the four-week course, which focuses on the rich history of jazz in Pittsburgh, including the reasons for its growth in the city, its personalities and places, its diversity over the years, and the extraordinary community it has maintained into the 21st century.
Books include Mark Whitaker’s “Smoketown,” David Hajdu’s “Lush Life” and Mendelson’s “Spirit to Spirit.” Register at www.mtlebanonlibrary.org or 412-531-1912.
AUP monthly dinners, events
The Association of University People/AUP is inviting single, four-year college graduates over 50 to join them for monthly dinners and meet at various social spots and gatherings. Interested individuals are welcome to attend activities. For more information call Mark at 412-939-0656.
Jan. 20 – Lunch at Casbah in Shadyside – 1 p.m. 229 S. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206. RSVP to Liv at 412-580-3957 (cell or text) by Jan. 19.
Jan. 22 – Bridge at the Galleria Mall in Mt. Lebanon – 2-5 p.m. Meet outside of Panera Bread. Call Bill at 412-657-7485 to reserve a chair.
Jan. 24 – Scrabble at the Galleria Mall in Mt. Lebanon – 1 p.m. in the area near Anthropologie. RSVP to Rina at 412-341-8009.
Jan. 28 – Dinner at DiPietro’s Ristorante in West View – 6 p.m. 412 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 15229. RSVP to Bill at 412-657-7485.
Scam Jam
Temple Emanuel in Mt. Lebanon will host “Scam Jam,” a fraud information event for seniors, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Jan. 21.
The free event will feature take-home resources and guest speakers from the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities, state Office of Attorney General and Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office, along with games of “fraud bingo” with prizes.
“Scam Jam” is organized through the Department of Banking and Securities’ Investor Education and Consumer Outreach Office. Registration is encouraged at templeemanuel@templeemanuelpgh.org.
Live Well Bethel Park
As part of the Live Well Bethel Park series, a physician with UPMC Sports Medicine, will present information about sports-related concussions. Dr. Rob Dingle will speak from 7 to 8 p.m. Jan. 21 at the Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave. The event is free and open to the public.
Symphony of Food
WOMEN of Southwestern PA will host its 13th annual Symphony of Food at 6 p.m. Jan. 24 at Bella Sera, 414 Morganza Road, Cecil Township. Tickets are $100 and must be purchased in advance either at www.womenofswpa.org or by emailing womenswpatickets@gmail.com
Area restaurants preparing their signature courses for dinner include Mediterra Bakehouse, Toscana Brick Oven, Au “Grottens” Café and Catering, Bella Sera Event Villa and Catering, Girl Friday Cooking Co., La Tavola Italiana Ristorante, Angelo’s Restaurant, PW Catering and Rania’s Catering. A majority of Famous Female Chefs are assisting WOMEN to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the organization’s founding.
WOMEN of Southwestern PA uses the funds generated to provide grants to local nonprofits that benefit women and children. The 2019 fundraiser raised $57,000, and this year’s goal is $65,000. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
For more information, call Laurie Lawrence at 412-779-9294 or Kathy Kanotz at 724-493-5910.
Used instrument drive
Jakob Satterfield, a sophomore at Upper St. Clair High School, has organized a used musical instrument drive to benefit the non-profit Hungry for Music (hungryformusic.org).
Donations are tax-deductible, and the instruments will be refurbished and given a new life with children who would otherwise not be able to afford them. All instruments in any condition will be accepted, with the exception of pianos and organs.
The event will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. Jan. 24 and 25 at the high school.
Satterfield is a member of the drumline in the high school marching band and is senior patrol leader of Boy Scout Troop 366 in Upper St Clair.
Flea Market in Carnegie
The Flea Market at the Church of the Atonement, 618 Washington Ave., Carnegie will be held Jan. 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be closed from noon to 1 p.m. Jan 25 for lunch and then will reopen at 1 p.m. for the bag sale. For more information, call Joyce at 412-276-0366.
Chinese Buffet Dinner
South Hills Community Baptist Church is hosting a Chinese buffet dinner Jan. 25 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. The menu features: egg rolls, chicken fried rice, cheese dumplings, egg drop soup, potato wedges, steamed rice and dessert. Additionally, a bake sale will also be held. A donation of $10 per person is suggested. All proceeds go to the South Hills Community Baptist Church. The church is located on the corner of Old Washington Road and Route 19 in Upper St. Clair.
Illusionist show
Chabad of the South Hills Jewish Center in Mt. Lebanon presents “A Magical Evening With World-Renowned Master Illusionist Ilan Smith” on Jan. 26 at the Carnegie Stage, 25 W. Main St., Carnegie. The show starts at 7:45. Reserve tickets at www.chabadsh.com/magic, mussie@Chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424. The event is co-Sponsored by Huntington Bank.
Financial series at Westminster
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays, Jan. 27 through March 23, at the Westminster Recreation and Outreach Center, 2040 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair.
Learn how you and your family can take control of your money, get out of debt and create a plan for your future.
For more information, visit wroc.westminster-church.org of call 412-835-6630, ext. 200.
Square dance lessons
Square dance lessons will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays at Southminster Church, 799 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon. Singles or couples are welcome. No experience is necessary. Admission is $4. For more information, call Ken at 412-835-8391 or Ann 412-563-0559.
Meatballs and Music in PT
Peters Township High School Music Boosters will sponsor the 20th annual Meatballs and Music event on Feb. 8.
Pasta and dessert will be served from 3 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 11 and younger.
Continuous music performances are from 3 to 8 p.m. The event also features a gift basket raffle and 50/50 drawing.
TOPS meetings
Enjoy contests and speakers while losing weight for $5 per month with TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 475, which is celebrating its 50 anniversary this year. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Carnegie United Methodist Church, 415 Washington Ave., Carnegie. Weigh-ins are at 6:15 p.m. For more information, call Francis at 412-818-7489.
Judaism course
“Judaism’s Gifts to the World” is a six-session course by the Rohr Jewish Learning on the history, meaning and power of Jewish values. The course will be offered from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays starting Jan. 28 at the South Hills JCC 345 Kane Blvd, and from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Sundays starting Feb. 2 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon. For more information, call 412-344-2424 or email rabbi@chabadsh.com.
Informational session
Lungs at Work is launching a new option for black lung testing, and all area coal miners are invited to participate. The session runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 28 at the UMWA at 20 N. Main St. in Ellsworth. Miners from around the area can attend for health assessments, pulmonary screenings, pulse oximetry testing and benefits counseling and assistance with federal Black Lung applications. Appointments are required so call Lungs at Work at 724-941-1650 to schedule an appointment. Attendees should bring their health insurance card.
Preschool event
St. Elizabeth Preschool, located at 1 Grove Place in Baldwin, is holding a preschool preview “Planting the Seeds of Learning” where preschool parents and children can experience the school’s hands-on approach to learning. The event will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Jan. 29 in its preschool classrooms. The staff will be there to welcome visitors and answer any questions. RSVP by calling 412-881-2958 or emailing slydon@st-elizabeth.org to reserve a spot. The event will be rescheduled to Feb. 6 in the event of inclement weather.
Kindergarten Seminar
St. Elizabeth Kindergarten, located at 1 Grove Place in Baldwin, will hold its “Kindergarten Connection” from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Jan. 29 when kindergarten parents and children can experience the fun of the program through learning center activities. RSVP by calling 412-881-2958 to reserve a spot, or email ljarosh@st-elizabeth.org for more information. The event will be rescheduled to Feb. 6 in the event of inclement weather.
Anniversary coin show
The South Hills Coin Club will hold its 60th anniversary coin show on Feb. 1 and 2 at Crowne Plaza Suites Pittsburgh South, 164 Fort Couch Road, Bethel Park. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call 724-984-6611.
Preschool registration
John McMillan Preschool in Bethel Park will begin registration for the 2020-21 school year on Feb. 3.
Classes for 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds are available. To arrange for a tour or for information about the curriculum, contact Lori Feldmann at 412-833-4704 or lori@johnmcmillanpc.org. Registration forms and more information are also available at johnmcmillanpc.org.
Income tax assistance
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays, Feb. 3 through April 9, at The Bible Chapel, 300 Gallery Drive, Peters Township. The program is first-come, first-served, with no appointments.
Necessary items are last year’s tax return; identification for yourself and spouse; Social Security numbers and birthdates for yourself, spouse and dependents; all W-2 and 1099 tax documents, including Social Security 1099; 1095 health care statements and property tax receipts. Both spouses must sign joint returns.
Federal, state, local taxes and property tax/rent rebate forms are prepared. For more information, call the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-1040. Online, search “VITA” at www.irs.gov. Please do not contact The Bible Chapel.
Bethel Art Guild meets
The first meeting of the Bethel Art Guild’s 60th year is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Feb. 6 at the Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave.
Yelena Lamm is the speaker. She began painting as a child in her native Russia and studied fine art at the Roerich Art College in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has been in Pittsburgh since 1995, earning her bachelor of science degree in graphic design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.
She celebrates beauty in her paintings with her use of shapes and color. Her unique style gives her traditional subjects a very special look, as she mixes curves with architectural structures and geometric shapes. She is able to apply these techniques to both her work with portraits and still life.
The Bethel Art Guild welcomes all who have an interest in art, at any and all levels of accomplishment, and all media. The guild also offers education and sharing of information between artists, through its monthly speakers.
Holocaust survivor program
An evening with Holocaust survivor Sammi Steigman is scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon. Hewill share his story about life in a Nazi labor camp, being subjected to the horrific medical experimanets, how he survived and the many lessons he’s learned throughout his life.
Admission is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. To register, visit www.chabadsh.com, email mussie@chabadsh.com or call 412-344-2424.
Chabad hosts Purim seniors lunch
Purim seniors lunch is scheduled for noon March 3 at at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt.Lebanon.
Featured will be a holiday program and chair exercises presented by Club Pilates. Suggested donation is $5. The venue is wheelchair-accessible. Call 412-278-2658 to register.
Benefit Cash and Prize Bash
A Cash and Prize Bash sponsored by the Bethel Park Lions Club is scheduled for 6 to 10 p.m. March 7 at the Bethel Park Community Center, 5151 Park Ave. The price is $55 per person, and only 200 tickets will be sold.
The ticket includes hors d’oeuvres, dinner, dessert and drinks, plus the opportunity to win cash prizes. There are also raffle baskets, a 50/50 raffle, door prizes and games.
All proceeds to to Lions charities and Bethel Park community organizations. Please bring your unwanted eyeglasses to be donated to the needy.
To purchase tickets or for information, call Sandi Demas at 412-854-2740.
Purim In the Air
Chabad of South Hills presents Purim In the Air at 5 p.m. March 10 at the South Hills Jewish Community Center, 345 Kane Blvd., Scott Township.
Featured will be a SkyBar, “in-flight” entertainment and a meal served airplane-style. Costumes are welcome.
The event celebrates the holiday of Purim, which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who was planning to kill them, as recounted in the Book of Esther.
For reservations or more information, visit www.chabadsh.com or call 412-344-2424.
Register for creative arts festival
Registration is open for the 2020 Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival, scheduled for March 20-22 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Green Tree.
The festival offers classes, demonstrations, exhibitions, a marketplace, creative open studio and maker space. Those who attend can try new techniques, see demos and shop.
New this year are a dedicated fiber studio and exhibition by Brooklyn Tweed of Portland, Ore., with fibers from more than 75 sheep breeds; a World Exhibition featuring fabrics from 50-plus countries; the 25 Million Stitch Project, a global awareness-raising campaign representing 25 million displaced refugees; and the Pittsburgh Handmade Heart Making initiative, through which more than 5,500 hearts have been distributed since the 2018 tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill.
For more information, visit www.pghknitandcrochet.com.
Lions Park reservations
Reservations for Lions Park, 5757 Irishtown Road, Bethel Park, are now available.
The park can be reserved from May through September. The hours of use are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Included in the donation for park use is use of the pavilion, ample parking, kids’ play areas, walking trail with arboretum and baseball field. The park has a full kitchen, two bathrooms, fireplace, volleyball and bocce courts, and horseshoe pits.
For more information, call 412-387-8540 or contact bethelparklionsparkrentals@gmail.com.