School News Week of Jan. 19
Bethel Park
• Eleven Bethel Park High School and Independence Middle School musicians successfully auditioned and have been selected to perform in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association’s Junior High District Orchestra Concert, scheduled for April 4 at South Fayette.
Participating in the event from Bethel Park High School are ninth-graders Jeremy Blocklin (viola), Caitlyn Bostaph (clarinet), Jasmine Cable (flute), Cody Hendrych-Bondra (oboe), Anthony Hughes (percussion), Rebekah Tupper (French horn), Jason Turske (percussion) and Samantha Wolf (violin).
Also participating are Independence Middle School eighth-graders Bryce Clancy (bass), Lily Spence (cello) and Angelina Velisaris (viola).
The students are taught by Bethel Park orchestra director Stephanie Glover and ninth-grade band director Jonathan Derby.
• Three Bethel Park High School students were accepted to participate in Career Connections apprenticeship programs this school year, sponsored by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit.
Participants are junior Megan Winzek, astronomy, and sophomores Anna Levis and Olivia Magnu, explore pharmacy.
They join five other Bethel Park High School students who were previously accepted into Career Connections programs earlier this school year.
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s Career Connections Program consists of either one half-day or one daylong experience per month over a six- or seven-month period. As participants, students meet and work with local professionals who are willing to share their expertise, experience and enthusiasm for their careers with the students.
South Fayette
• South Fayette Township School District’s kindergarten registration for 2020-21 is open to students who will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1.
Visit the district’s main website at and select “2020-2021 South Fayette Kindergarten Screening Appointment” to register for an appointment on March 24 or 25.
The district will hold a meeting for parents of incoming kindergartners at 7 p.m. Feb. 20 at the elementary school. Children’s registration packets will be distributed, to be completed and returned on the day of their screening appointments.
The school’s principals, kindergarten teachers and school nurse will explain the kindergarten process and will be available to answer questions.
Upper St. Clair
• Upper St. Clair Parent Teacher Council is hosting a districtwide drive throughout February to benefit families served by the South Hills Interfaith Movement.
The effort is a part of SHIM’s annual Sack Hunger community wide campaign. Collection boxes will be located within all six of the district’s schools.
SHIM has been providing food, clothing and services to people in need in Pittsburgh’s southern suburban neighborhoods for more than 50 years. The organization works to reduce the devastating effects of suburban poverty among the working poor, unemployed, families, single parents, senior citizens, women, and the high concentration of refugee families in its service area.
According to officials with SHIM, some of the items most needed include dried beans, lentils, baking products, pasta sauce in jars, soup, boxed rice mixes, cereal, oatmeal, canned proteins, spices and seasonings, beverages, personal care items and diapers, sizes 3-6.
The PTC has partnered with South Hills Movers for the project. On March 2, company representatives will transport the donated items from the schools to SHIM. For more information, contact Jennifer Schnore at
For more information about SHIM or to make a donation directly to the organization, contact Seth Dubin, director of development, at or call 412-854-9120, ext. 109.