Upper St. Clair Township Library offers programs for adults

Upper St. Clair Township Library offers a variety of programs for adults during February. All are free, except as indicated.
• Spanish Conversations, 10 a.m. Feb. 8, 15, 22 and 29 in the library multipurpose room. The program, held every Saturday, features informal conversation in Spanish on various topics, providing the opportunity to practice the language. Those who attend should at least have a basic level of Spanish fluency.
• ”Making” Friends: A Place to Create, Connect and Collaborate, 2 p.m. Feb. 3, 10, 17 and 24 in the multipurpose room. Join Resident Artist Judé Ernest at the library’s drop-in maker space. Learn and teach traditional and high-tech crafts, meet other local makers and experiment with your own creative projects, such as making vinyl transfers with the library’s vinyl cutter and heat press, and etching wood and leather with the laser engraver.
• History Night: Teddy Roosevelt, the Trust Buster, the Bull Moose Progressive, 7 p.m. Feb. 3 in the multipurpose room. The program is an ongoing discussion group facilitated by history enthusiasts Glenn Flickinger and Scott Moore.
• Music in the Stacks: When Folksongs Bring Freedom, 7 p.m. Feb. 6 in the adult nonfiction room. In honor of Black History Month, the acclaimed composer and performer Hilliard Greene presents “Milestone Negro Spirituals: When Folksongs Bring Freedom.” Experience the significance of the songs associated with the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century enslaved people of African descent in their efforts to escape to free states and to Canada. The uniquely American heritage songs offered coded information that helped runaway slaves elude capture.
• Creativity Café, 2 p.m. Feb. 7 in the multipurpose room. Creativity is about more than making art. It’s a way of seeing the world, a system of values. Join this group of like-minded folks to share monthly conversations about creativity. Bring your work, your questions and your ideas.
• Adult Gaming Night, 7 p.m. Feb. 10 in the multipurpose room. Bring your own favorite game to share, or explore something new from the library’s game collection. Anyone can play, and all are welcome.
• Vintage Radio Players, 2 p.m. Feb. 11 and 25. Step back in time and connect with the radio shows that today’s seniors grew up hearing in the 1940s and 1950s. The group meets every other week to read classic scripts, and performs at local personal care homes and in the library. Re-enactments are as shows originally were broadcast, including commercials and sound effects. New attendees, please email Walker Evans at evansw@einetwork.net to register.
• Plant-Based Pittsburgh South, 7 p.m. Feb. 11 in the multipurpose room. The group is open to anyone interested in learning and sharing information about healthy, plant-based food choices. This month’s program is a discussion of Dr. Michael Greger’s book “How Not To Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease.”
• Zentangle, 1 p.m. Feb. 12 and 26 in the multipurpose room. Certified Zentangle teacher Mary D’Angelo explores the distinctive method of pen and ink drawing. Regardless of your artistic background or ability, Zentangle is easy to learn and offers endless possibility.
• Valentine’s Day Tea, 2 p.m. Feb. 13 in the multipurpose room. Romance author Chloe T. Barlow, a USA Today Bestseller and Rising Star in iBooks Romance, is the guest. Bring your own teacup.
• Monday Movies: “First Man,” 6:30 p.m. Feb. 17 in the training room. Journey through the life of Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) as he trains to become the first human to walk on the moon. Refreshments will be provided.
• Showing of “Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age,” 10 a.m. Feb. 10 in the McLaughlin Run Activity Center, 1770 McLaughlin Run Road. Physician Delaney Ruston sets out to understand the challenges of emotional well-being for teens in our screen-filled society. A facilitated discussion will follow the film. A later screening and discussion will take place at 7 p.m. the same date at the Community and Recreation Center, 1551 Mayview Road.
• Mystical Interludes with Emily Rodavich, 7 p.m. Feb. 20 in the multipurpose room. From surviving trauma and abuse through faith, to a near-death experience at age 18, author Emily Rodavich has always been attuned to spiritual events. She shares stunning stories from her remarkable lifetime of spirituality.
• Introduction to Laser Engraving, 7 p.m. Feb. 24 in the multipurpose room. Learn how to use the newest tool in the library’s Maker Lab, a desktop laser engraver. You can engrave words and images on wood, leather, rubber and dark plastic, and even cut and carve wood and greeting card paper.
• WOW Book Discussion Group, 7 p.m. Feb. 25 in the multipurpose room. Women of Words is a Tuesday evening discussion group that meets on selected months throughout the year. This month’s selection is “The Lost for Words Bookshop” by Stephanie Butland.
• Reimagining Books: A Crafting Afternoon, 2 p.m. Feb. 27 in the multipurpose room. Repurpose damaged or unusable books into something imaginative and beautiful. No prior preparation is needed. A $2 donation is suggested to help cover the cost of supplies.
• Accepting Our Neighbors, 7 p.m. Feb. 27 in the training room. The group is dedicated to exploring and understanding diversity.
To register for programs, visit www.twpusc.org or call 412-835-5540.