What’s Happening Week of Nov. 29
Chanukah event
The Annual South Hills Lights presents “Chanuka Drive In” at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 10 in the parking lot of Dormont Pool, 1801 Dormont Ave. The event features the Grand Menorah Lighting, a family-friendly multimedia experience, latkas, doughnuts and Chanukah swag for each car.
RSVP is required to register your vehicle at www.chabadsh.com/lights. The free event is sponsored by Dormont Borough and Chabad of the South Hills in Mt. Lebanon, and it strictly adheres to all COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Cookie sale
In lieu of their annual Christmas Cookie and Gift Bazaar, the United Methodist Women of Mt. Lebanon will be selling boxes of homemade Christmas cookies that are safely packaged.
A large box is $20 and a small box, $10. Each box contains an assortment of varieties such as iced cutout sugar cookies, buttery shortbread, spicy ginger crinkles, chocolate chip, old-fashioned oatmeal and more.
Boxes will be ready for pickup at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church, 3319 W. Liberty Ave., from 10 a.m. to noon Dec. 12 and 9:30 a.m. to noon Dec. 13.
To reserve your boxes, order by Nov. 20. Call the church office at 412-561-7131 with your name, phone number, email address, and the number and size of the boxes you want to purchase.
Proceeds from the sale will benefit relief organizations that support women, children and youth.
Cookies may contain nuts, eggs, flour and other allergens.
Chanukah toy drive
Chabad of the South Hills is conducting its annual Chanukah toy drive for hospitalized and underprivileged children.
New, unwrapped toys are being accepted. Ideas include puzzles, games, art supplies, dolls, play food and kitchen items, and baby toys.
Toys can be dropped off between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday until Dec. 4 at Chabad of the South Hills, 1701 McFarland Road, Mt. Lebanon. For more information, call 412-278-2658.
Sale of Koeze products
The McMurray Lions Club is selling Koeze products- such as cashews, mixed nuts, chocolates, caramel corn and more – in time for the holiday season.
For a complete listing of products, pricing and questions, visit the club’s website at www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/mcmurray/. Deadline for orders is Dec. 1. Proceeds go directly to help local Lions charities.
Weight loss
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 45 meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays at Carnegie United Methodist Church, 415 Washington Ave.
Cost is $5 per month. For more information about TOPS, call Frances at 412-818-7489.