What’s Happening – Week of Feb. 19
Center Presbyterian Church in McMurray will host a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21. Blueberry pancakes, sausage, fruit and beverages will be served. A free will offering can be made to benefit the church’s mission partners. For more information, call 724-941-9050.
The Pittsburgh South Hill Elks will hold a fish fry on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22, and every ensuing Friday during lent. Fish will be served from noon to 7 p.m. Eat-in or take-out is available. To order, call 412-831-0616.
The Peters Township Library will host a virtual program on Route 19 from 7 to 8 p.m. Feb. 23. History Librarian Margaret Deitzer and Public Relations Coordinator Carrie Weaver will delve into the history of this road. From the Cheeseman Farm to Pal’s Restaurant, topics will discuss how this “road to the sunny south” came to be and the landmarks as documented in the library’s historical archives. Registration is required at https://ptlib.org/route19 to receive the Zoom link to join the presentation. Email caweaver@ptlibrary.org or call 724-941-9430 for more details.
Sit & Fit, an adult movement class, will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. beginning Feb. 23 at the Peters Township Library, located on East McMurray Road. Meghan Greenwood, an ACE-certified group fitness instructor with over 15 years of experience, will teach the class that is set to soothing music and ideal for mature adults and seniors of all abilities. Class limit is 20. Registration required at https://ptlib.org/fit. Call 724-941-9430 for more details.
The Landline Bluegrass band will perform from 7 to 10 p.m. March 4 at the Dormont VFW located at 3014 West Liberty Ave. Admission is $10 to hear the five-piece string band that plays bluegrass and Appalachian-influenced music. For more information email: Amy.parkingpad@gmail.com or call 412-689-6337.
The College Club of Carnegie will meet on March 4 at Scoglio’s Restaurant, 661 Andersen Dr. There will be a social at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch at noon. Consumer advocate Mary Bach will present: “Are You Getting What You Pay For?” There will be a Chinese auction 50/50 raffle to benefit the scholarship fund. Women with associate or bachelor degrees from colleges or universities can attend or join the club by contacting Therese Condit, membership chairperson, at 412-279-4458 for further information.
Purim at the Circus will be held at 5 p.m. March 7 at Chabad of the South Hills. There will be an animated Megillah reading, buffet dinner, circus entertainment, live music, hot pretzel bar, popcorn, cotton candy and a come-dressed-in-favorite-costume event. Admission is $18 per person with a $50 maximum per family. RSVP to: Chabadsh.com/Purim
The Peters Township Library will conduct an afternoon bingo for seniors and their caregivers from 1 to 2 p.m. March 7. Registration is required and limited to 20 participants. Visit ptlibrary.org/events to sign up or call 724-941-9430 for more details.
The Ruthfred Acres Woman’s Club will meet March 14 at the Crowne Plaza South Hotel, 164 Fort Couch Rd. in Bethel Park. Lunch is at noon. Chris Kubiak from the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania will deliver a presentation on the American bald eagle. Call 412-951-1283 for reservations, membership information or more details.
The Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania will host its annual show and sale on March 18 and 19 at the Crowne Plaza South Hotel, 164 Fort Couch Rd. in Bethel Park. The show opens at 9 a.m. and features displays of blooming orchids grown by local society members as well as a sales area with regional and foreign orchid vendors. Free educational seminars will be offered throughout both days. Bring your orchid plant for free growing tips and have your orchid repotted for a nominal fee. Admission is $5. Ages 18 and younger are admitted for free. Visit www.oswp.org or call 412-576-1704 for more details.
The South Hills Children’s Choir will hosts its second Soles for Songs 5K race at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 1, at the Walker’s Mill Road entrance on the Panhandle Trail. Entry fee is $30 and all proceeds benefit the choir. Shirts and goodie bags guaranteed to race participants registered by March 1. Post-race treats include items from Trader Joe’s, Jenny Lee and Starbucks. Visit https://shcchoir.org/events.html to register. Email Hannah at solesdirector@gmail.com for more details or to volunteer.
Auditions for the Snow White Ballet will be held March 4 at the Carnegie Performing Arts Center, located at 500 Chestnut St. in Carnegie. Performances will run in April. Boys and girls, ages 5-12, audition at 2 p.m. Ages 13 and older audition at 3 p.m. Call 412-279-8887 or visit www.carnegieperformingartscenter.com for more details.
Volunteers are needed at Horses With Hope, which helps provides safe therapeutic riding and equine-assisted learning programs. A training session will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on March 11 at the site, located at 6235 Brush Run Rd. in Bethel Park. No experience is necessary. The therapeutic riding program operates March through October on weekday evenings and Saturday mornings. Visit www.horseswithhope.org/volunteer or email kculphwh@gmail.com to register.
The Pittsburgh South Hills Elks Lodge 2213, located on South Park Road in Bethel Park, will hold a card party March 18. Doors open at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon. Price is $25. For tickets, call 412-831-0616.
AARP Chapter 3016 meets the second Thursday of each month, year-round, at Unity Presbyterian Church, 1146 Greentree Road. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Light refreshments are served. Anyone over 55 is welcome. For more information, call Beverly at 412-563-3961.
Take off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 475 meets every Friday at Chartiers LifeSpan, 300 Lincoln Ave., Carnegie. Weigh-in is at 2 p.m., followed by class from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, call Francis at 412-818-7489.
The Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department is looking for sponsors to provide summer activities such as free concerts, movies and family events at the outdoor amphitheater. Call 724-942-5000 or email Lisa Morris at LMorris@peterstownship.com for more details.
The Association of University People (AUP) is open to singles, age 50 and older, who are four-year college graduates. The group meets monthly for dinners and various social gatherings, concerts and wine tastings. To join call 412-353-9088 or email Aupsingles@gmail.com.
The Pittsburgh South Hill Elks will distribute free quarts of soup from 1 to 5 p.m. every Saturday in February and March. The lodge is located on South Park Road in Bethel Park. Call 412-831-0616 for details.
The following class reunions are being planned:
• St. Justin grade school or high school graduates will gather for a grand reunion event to be held from 6 to 11 p.m. May 26 at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott Hotel. Tickets are $70 per person and include dinner, photographer and DJ. There will be a cash bar. Make checks payable to St. Justin Reunion Committee and mail to Donna Hazel at 107 Elatan Dr. Pittsburgh, PA, 15243. For further details, visit the “St. Justin Friends” Facebook Page or call 412-779-9660.
• Mt. Lebanon Class of 1973 will hold its 50th reunion from June 9-11. Activities are being planned around town, including at Bado’s and LeMont Restaurants in Mt. Lebanon and Pittsburgh respectively. Visit mtlebo73.org for details and registration.
• Upper St. Clair Class of 1974 has begun making plans for its 50th reunion. Email uschs74renion@gmail.com to be placed on the informative list regarding the fall weekend of activities.
Pittsburgh Tartan Day will be held from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 15 at Bethel Presbyterian Church on Bethel Church Road. There will be vendors, food, clans, workshops, entertainment and raffles. Visit www.standrewspittsburgh.org for more details or follow Pittsburgh Tartan Day on Facebook for more information.