Pittsburgh Area Theatre Organ Society will present ‘The Red Balloon’
The Pittsburgh Area Theatre Organ Society is presenting the 1956 French featurette “The Red Balloon” with the accompaniment of a theater organ at Keystone Oaks High School in Dormont on Friday, April 14.
The program also will include “The Electric House,” a 1922 Buster Keaton silent comedy. Both films will be accompanied by Peter Krasinski, the house organist at the Providence Performing Arts Center in Rhode Island. Krasinski is a one-time winner of the National Competition in Organ Improvisation sponsored by the American Guild of Organists.
The Pittsburgh Area Theatre Organ Society maintains the Pittsburgh area’s only Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ still operating in a public venue.
Tickets or additional information are available at www.pittsburghtheatreorgan.com.