
What’s Happening – Week of Nov. 12

7 min read


On Nov. 19 from 4 to 5 p.m. Old St. Luke’s Church will hold a Thanksgiving prayer service and from 6 to 9 p.m. Woodville will feature the Twelve Days of Christmas. Patrons will learn how different the holidays were from modern traditions. The prayer service is free but the program at Woodville, located at 1375 Washington Pike, costs $10 for adults and $5 for children.


A fall flea market will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 18 at Bower Hill Community Church located on Moffett Street in Mt. Lebanon. There will be five rooms and more than 60 tables featuring merchandise. A half-price sale will be offered from 2 to 3 p.m. There will also be a snack bar featuring homemade soup, hot dogs and baked goods.


Peters Township is participating in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys For Tots campaign. Collection boxes are located at the recreation center and library. New, unwrapped gifts for children from infancy to age 14 will be collected through Dec. 9. Call 724-942-5000 for more details.


Scrabble will be played from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 16 and Dec. 21 at the Peters Township Recreation Center. While the event for senior citizens is free, registration is required. Call 724-942-5000.


The Peters Township Library offers the following topics:

n The Underground Railroad in Washington County from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 20. Dr. Thomas Mainwaring from Washington & Jefferson College traces the origins of the “Liberty Line” from the late 18th century, when slavery still existed, through the rise of abolitionism to the Civil War.

n Open Makerspace Lab from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Nov. 21 on the second floor. Participants explore creative technology and traditional crafting equipment.

n School Days In Peters Township from 7 to 8 p.m. Nov. 16. Local historian Margaret Deitzer and PR coordinator Carrie Weaver will offer a program about the history of schools in the district, from the one-room facility to the completion of the high school in 1969.

n eResource Exploration from 4 to 4:45 p.m. Nov. 16. Librarian Sarah Quinn will instruct on how to access consumer reports online and navigate the resource. This hybrid event can be attended in person or via Zoom.

n Scam Alert from 1 to 1:45 p.m. or 7 to 7:45 p.m. Nov. 13. The program helps identify potential scams and how to avoid being a victim. This hybrid event can be attended in person or via Zoom.

Visit or call 724-941-9430 to register or for more details.


The Jubilee Ringers from the Trinity United Methodist Church will perform holiday music from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Peters Township Library, located at 616 East McMurray Rd. All ages can attend. No registration is required.


The Chartiers Center’s White Christmas Drive runs through Dec. 22.

Donations of anything white, such as t-shirts, socks, linens for twin beds, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, shower curtains and liners will be collected for individuals with mental health challenges, including substance abuse, homelessness and intellectual disabilities.

Items can be dropped off at the Brentwood Bank locations in Bethel Park, South Park Shops and South Fayette as well as the Chartiers Center, located at 437 Railroad St. in Bridgeville,


The Bethel Park Library will offer the following events this month:

n Gingerbread house decorating from noon to 3 p.m. Nov. 25. The library provides cartons and crackers while decorators bring a can of icing or bag of candy, cereal, marshmallows or pretzels to share. The event is for all ages.

n Yoga at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16 for children in grades 2-4. Participants should bring a mat or towel as they explore creative movements and mindfulness and play games.

n Learn how to use public data to answer questions about your community, also at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16. Rich Lord and Jourdan Hicks of PublicSource will lead the event that will discuss how to access everything from court records to campaign finance data to professional licenses, and what government records are publicly available.

Registration for all programs is open and required. Visit or call 412-835-2207 for more details.


The South Hills Women’s Club will meet at 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at Vanadium Woods Lobby, located on Vanadium Road in Bridgeville. Ruth Siedle Gentile will speak about the pipe organ. She is the daughter of Bill Siedle, builder of pipe organs in the South Hills and founder of Siedle Organ Co. Call 412-953-3209 for more details, membership information or to attend.


The Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department is offering the following one-day programs in November:

n Gnome Wreaths. Do-it-yourselfers, ages 18 and over, will create decorations with wintery greens from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 14. Sign-up deadline is Nov. 10. Fee is $10 ($15 nonmembers).

n Tween Night from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 17. Ages 9 to 12 will socialize, play games, create crafts, eat snacks and listen to music. Sign-up deadline is Nov. 15. Fee is $5 ($8 nonmembers).

n Holiday ornaments will be created by ages 6 to 10 from 1 to 2:15 p.m. Nov. 27. Fee is $5 ($8 nonmembers). Sign-up deadline is Nov. 25.

n Mad Science Winter Wonderlab from 10 to 11 a.m. Dec. 16. Ages 5 to 12 will experiment with popping corks, shivering quarters and a cloud of fog to create the mysterious North Pole rock recognized as a lump of coal. Fee is $42 ($63 nonmembers). Sign-up deadline is Dec. 7.

Visit www.peterstownship. com or call 724-5000 to register or for more details.


The Southwestern Pennsylvania Registered Nurses Club will meet at 9:30 am on Nov. 21 at Hamilton Presbyterian Church on Hamilton Road in Bethel Park. Andrew Fee, regional executive director, Three Rivers Region, Special Olympics Pennsylvania, will speak on Special Olympics and sports.


The Venetia Heritage Society is looking for crafters and vendors for its Christmas holiday craft show to be held Dec. 1 at the Venetia Community Center in Peters Township. Set-up begins at 4:45 p.m., and the show will be open from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The show coincides with the Village of Venetia’s annual Lite Up Nite. Email if interested.


The Elks Lodge 2213, located on South Park Road in Bethel Park, is collecting items for its Christmas Stocking Project. Items being collected for deployed troops include candy canes, granola bars, mints, gum, lollipops, candy, Rice Krispie Treats, trail mix, fruit snacks, individual bags of nuts, power bars, single-serve powdered Gatorade and energy drinks, Slim Jims and individual bags of snacks, cookies, crackers and pretzels. Stocking items will be collected on site between Nov. 1-12. For more details email or call 412-831-0616.


The Beverly Road business district in Mt. Lebanon will hold Brite Nite from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 7. In addition to extended shopping hours, there will be ice carvers, holiday cheer, a tree lighting and a visit from Santa Claus.

Washington Road’s holiday festival is set for Dec. 9., The Winter Market and Holiday Celebration runs from noon to 5 p.m. In addition to music, shopping, a cookie tour, an elf scavenger hunt, visit from Santa and an antique toy trains display, a Christmas tree will be lit at 5 p.m. in the Clearview Common pavilion.


AARP chapter 3016 meets the second Thursday of the month year-round at Unity Presbyterian Church, 1148 Greentree Rd. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. with light refreshments served. Anyone over 55 can attend.


TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter 475, Carnegie, meets every Thursday at Chartiers Lifespan, 300 Lincoln Ave. in Carnegie. Weigh-in is at 2 p.m. Class follows from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Contests, programs and exercises are offered at a reasonable price. Call 412-818-7489 for more details.


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