Sen. Matt Smith introduces license transfer legislation
State Sen. Matt Smith, D-Mt. Lebanon, recently introduced legislation aimed at easing the transfer of professional licenses for military spouses. The legislation would allow military spouses to move more rapidly and efficiently into the workforce by providing a streamlined process to obtain the transfer of professional licenses into the state.
“Military spouses endure one of the most mobile positions in our country, which can make the maintenance of a professional license a significant obstacle,” Smith said.
The transfer process can prove time consuming and costly, causing delays in employment and preventing the utilization of valuable skills in the workplace. Often, transference of professional licenses becomes cumbersome to the point where military spouses abandon their careers, Smith said.
Smith’s legislation would allow for Pennsylvania’s approximately 30 professional boards to issue accountants, nurses, social workers, real estate agents and others to work while they satisfy any requirements in the state.
Currently, 27 states have passed similar legislation.