Flea Markets / Craft Fairs – April 23
St. Winifred Church Women’s Guild will hold its 44th Annual Junque Sale 5-8 p.m. April 25 and 9 a.m.-noon April 26 in Benedict Hall, Mt. Lebanon. Bag sale at 10:30 a.m. Saturday.
Christ U. M. Church, Bethel Park, will hold a spring and summer kid’s resale 9 a.m.-6 p.m. April 25 and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. April 26. Infant to teens clothing, toys, games, sports equipment, children’s furniture and outdoor ride-on toys will be included. Half-price hour will be noon-1 p.m. Saturday.
Donations of gently used or new items will be accepted April 22.
Consignment is also available. Bring tagged items on April 23-24. Contact Amy Orendi at amyorendi@gmail.com.
Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Bethel Park, will hold its annual Rummage Sale 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 26.
Household items, toys, books, clothing, furniture, antiques and collectibles will be spread over two floors. Lunch will include hot dogs, kielbasa/sauerkraut, ham barbeque and more.
For more information, call 412-884-2722.
Bethany Lutheran Church, Bethel Park, will hold a No Sale Yard Sale and Bake Sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 26.
All items are free, but donations will be accepted to support church mission work.
Coffee and home-baked cakes, pies and pastries will be available for purchase from the Bethany Lutheran Church Women (BLCW) to support its mission efforts.
The church is located on Madison Avenue. For more information, call 412-835-9221.
St. Patrick School, Canonsburg, will sponsor a Spring Kids Resale & Vendor Show 8 a.m.-2 p.m. April 26 in the cafeteria. The sale will include gently-used kid’s clothing, infants to juniors, uniforms, toys and games. Early bird shopping 6-8 p.m. April 25. Specialty gifts will be available for Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. Refreshments. Proceeds will benefit St. Patrick School Fund. For details, call 724-745-4637.
Donations (no clothing) will be accepted beginning April 28 for Chariters-Houston Community Library’s spring flea market. The event will take place all day May 10-16 in the community room.
Vendor tables are available for the Bethel Park Lioness and Lions clubs flea market and vendor sale, which will be held from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. May 4 at the Bethel Park Lions Park on Irishtown Road. To rent a table, call Gay at 412-260-5988 or Nancy at 412-951-4196.