Home & Garden Briefs – April 23
Find fresh ideas and smart advice on home improvement, decorating and landscaping projects at the South Hills Home Show. April 25-27 at the Iceoplex at Southpointe. Three action-packed days of exhibits, seminars and demonstrations will educate and entertain individuals interested in one-stop shopping for information, advice and inspiration.
Show highlights will include hands-on demonstrations, organic gardening advice from Doug Oster, home remodeling advice from Andy Amrhein and more than 100 exhibitors.
Admission is free. For more information, visit www.SouthHillsHomeShow.com.
Northwood Realty Services announces a new opportunity for greater Pittsburgh area residents to show pride in the places they call home and boost the reputation of their communities. The Northwood Neighborhood Awards is currently seeking nominations.
“Unlike other broad neighborhood recognitions, the Northwood Neighborhood Awards program is a new way to highlight distinctive or special places on a micro-level,” said Tom Hosack, CEO and president of Northwood Realty Services. “We’re encouraging nominations of individual streets or residential developments within a community, so we can showcase all the hidden gems that collectively make the Pittsburgh region such a great place to live.”
Any resident may nominate a deserving neighborhood within Allegheny, Butler, Washington or Westmoreland counties, across a range of categories through April 30. Winning neighborhoods will be announced June 15.
For more information or to submit a nomination, visit www.northwoodknowsneighborhoods.com.
Pittsburgh Botanic Garden’s 24th Annual Plant Sale takes place 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. May 10 at Chartiers Country Club.
All plants will thrive in the region, and some are deer resistant. For more information, call 412-444-4464 or visit www.pittsburghbotanicgarden.org.
The 36th Annual Sewickley House Tour takes place May 2-3 and benefits the Child Health Association of Sewickley. For more information, call 412-741-2593.
The Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania has announced the Honor Roll of Exceptional Horticulturists Awards. The awardees are Patty Koval of Finleyville, Christine Nicholson of McMurray, Linda Schwartz of Venetia, and Ginny Whitaker of Castle Shannon – all are members of GCFP District X Giant Oaks Garden Club.
The Peters Township Farmers Market will take place from 3-7 p.m. every Wednesday, beginning May 28 at St. David’s Episcopal Church, Venetia. Twenty vendors will sell everything from fresh produce to baked goods, honey, eggs, jams and jellies, salsas and prepared foods. Local farms Simmons and Kern will have stands. Freedom Farms, from the television program “The Farm Kings” on GAC, will also be present along with a few artisans, too. A list will soon appear online at peterstownshipfarmersmarket.org.