Briefs – Feb. 5
The 2014 Washington County Farm Bureau food drive will take place February, through the end of March, with all items collected staying in the local area.
Local collection sites include: Heritage Library – McDonald; Bahr Hardware – Canonsburg; Frank Sarris Library – Canonsburg; Chartiers Houston Library; Goodwill – Peters Township; Peters Township Library; Mc Murray Dairy Bar – Peters Township; Cheplics Packing – Finleyville; and Washington Hospital – Cecil Outpatient Center
German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue PA will hold a Meet-the-Breed event at the Washington PETCO at Trinity Point from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Feb. 22. Meet German shorthaired pointer dogs, learn about the breed, its characteristics and requirements, and if this high-energy breed is right for your lifestyle.
The Allegheny County Health Department is accepting nominations for its annual Enviro-Star awards, which honor local businesses and organizations for voluntary pollution prevention practices undertaken in 2013.
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to nominate themselves or others for their pollution prevention accomplishments. Nominations will be accepted until March 21 and may be made online at For more information, call 412-578-8106.
The 2013 awards will be announced in conjunction with Earth Day, April 22.
Washington County Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominees for the ATHENA Award, which promotes women’s leadership and honors outstanding leaders. Nominees must live or work in Washington County. Both women and men are eligible to receive the award.
Candidates should demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession; provide valuable service to improve the quality of life for others in their community; and actively assist women in achieving their full leadership potential.
ATHENA Award, presented by First Commonwealth Bank, will be held May 9 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Southpointe.
To receive a nomination form, call 724.225.3010. Deadline for nominations is March 3.
The League of Women Voters of Washington County has invited the nine state legislators who represent parts of Washington County in Harrisburg to its annual Legislative Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. Feb. 14 at at the Springhill Suites Hotel, Washington.
Invited legislators include Senators Tim Solobay, Matt Smith and Richard Kasunic, and Representatives Rick Saccone, John Maher, Jesse White, Peter Daley, Brandon Neuman, Peter Daley and Pamela Snyder. Most have already indicated they will attend.
The luncheon is an information session in which discussion will focus on three topics of interest to the LWV: the election process in Pennsylvania, the funding of public education and their positions on reforming the legislative redistricting process.
The cost of the luncheon is $12.50. Reservations should be made to LWVWC President Judy Hughes at or 724.228.9889. Checks can be made out to LWVWC and mailed to K.L. Hanawalt, Treasurer, LWVWC, 205 Grandview Drive, McMurray, PA 15317.
South Hills Village has announced it will begin a renovation in April.
The 2014 mall renovation will consist of new interior and exterior features and amenities, including redesigned mall entrances, an updated dining area, additional vertical transportation, updated restrooms, flooring upgrades, glass railing features, energy-efficient lighting and a modern color scheme.
Along with the renovation plans, South Hills Village will be announcing several retailer additions, expansions and renovations in 2014. Some new retailers opening in 2014 include Forever 21, Soma, Color Me Mine, and Primadonna.
“South Hills Village has been a shopping destination for South Hills residents since 1964, and we appreciate that kind of loyalty,” said Linda Accettulla, South Hills Village Mall manager. “This renovation will give our guests an updated, relaxing atmosphere to shop, browse, dine or simply enjoy a welcoming and comfortable environment. While we intend to focus on improvements that will appeal to all segments of our shopper base, we will place special emphasis on convenient, family-friendly amenities.”
Accettulla said that additional details regarding the renovation, including renovation timetable, colored renderings and samples of new mall amenities and finish materials will be announced in the near future. All work performed during the renovation will be done in such a way as to minimize interference or inconvenience to the customer. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014.