Religion – Jan. 15
At South Hills Church of the Nazarene, Bethel Park, the winter session of the DivorceCare support group will take place from 7-9 p.m. Thursdays, Jan. 16-April 10.
DivorceCare features a video every week prior to discussion with nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. Seminar sessions include “Facing My Anger,” “Facing My Loneliness,” “Depression,” “New Relationships,” “KidCare” and “Forgiveness.” Cost is $20 (includes workbook). Limited scholarships are available for those who are unable to pay. Childcare is not available. For more information, call 412-831-6333.
At St. Thomas More Church, Bethel Park, the youth ministry plans the following events:
• Ice skating at South Park, grades six-eight, 7 p.m. Jan. 19.
• March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 22. Cost is $25.
• Youth (grades six-12) are needed who like to sing, read and act for the Passion Play Musical. Practice begins in February. Performances will be at 1:30 and 7 p.m. April 14.
For details, call Kelly Spadoni at 412-835-6996.
At Christ U.M. Church, Bethel Park, the youth group will meet at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 19 and 26. Gather for dinner, games, Bible study and worship.
• Worship Enrichment for first graders, 9:30 a.m. Sundays, Jan. 19-Feb. 16.
• Does God Really Love Us? presented by Chuck Vogel at 9:30 a.m. Sundays, Jan. 19 and 26.
• Women’s Study: Heaven at 7 p.m. Mondays Jan. 20-Feb. 10. Explore the concept of Heaven in one or all sessions.
• Methodism 101: A Guide for New and Renewing Methodists, 9:30 a.m. Sundays, through Feb. 2. Session 1: Why are you a United Methodist?, Session 2: How Do You Grow in Your Faith?, Session 3: How to Pray, Session 4: Tools for the Journey Ahead.
• “CAST,” a new singles group, meets at 7 p.m. Mondays. Off-site activities such as movies, dancing and dining out are planned.
For details, call 412-835-6621.
At New Day Assembly of God, Upper St. Clair, Michael Homula will be the featured speaker at Right to Life Sunday, 10 a.m. Jan. 19. A consultant and author, Homula is a leader in the pro-life movement and was the keynote speaker at the South Hills Pregnancy Resource Centers Banquet held last fall at Heinz Field. He shares his knowledge, success, personal story and testimony all over the United States.
• Power Infusion Weekend, sponsored by Women without Walls, Jan. 24-26. “I will pour out my Spirit” author and speaker Debbie Miller and the Women without Walls leadership team will be ministering during this weekend, which begins Friday night at 7 p.m. A continental breakfast will take place at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Miller and the leadership team will also minister at the 10 a.m. Sunday service. Cost is $10.
For more information, call 724-746-1993 or 724-941-1661.
At St. Patrick Church, Canonsburg, reservations are being taken for the March for Life Youth Rally & Mass in Washington, D.C., set for Jan. 22. Call 724-745-4130.
At St. Anne School, Castle Shannon, Catholic Schools Week and the beginning of the school’s 120th anniversary year will be celebrated with special events and activities. Highlights will include an open house at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 26, Mission Monday and Night Tales. The week will wrap up with the Winter Carnival and Rock-N-Jock Bowl.
At Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, guest speaker Rabbi Aaron Herman, principal of the TZohar Seminary in Squirrel Hill, will discuss “Beyond Labels: Toward a New Understanding of American Judaism” at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 28. Suggested donation is $10. For more information or to register, call 412-344-2424 or email
• A new six-week course titled “Jewish Identity” will be offered through Rohr Jewish Learning. Explore what it means to be a Jew in the Free World and examine the personal and religious struggles that individuals and communities confront as they face the challenges of changing times. What did Jewish identity mean to our grandparents and what will it mean for our grandchildren? The course will take place from 7:30-9 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 5, or 10:15-11:30 a.m. Sundays, beginning Feb. 9. Call 412-344-2424 or visit for registration and more information.
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, a Mom to Mom Heart Talk is planned to begin at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 30 and continue for 10 weeks. Topics include: When You’re Running on Empty, Taming the Top 10 Marriage Monsters and Who’s the Parent Here?
For more information, call 412-835-6630 ext. 207.
At St. Valentine Catholic Church, Bethel Park, the Women’s Guild and Christian Mothers will host its 59th annual Queen of Hearts Luncheon and Card Party at 10 a.m. Feb. 8 in Frawley Hall.
There will be a new lunch menu, auction baskets and more.
Tickets are $15. For reservations or information, call 412-833-4415 by Feb. 1.
At Our Lady of Grace Church, Scott Township, a weekly Bible study focusing on the readings from Sunday Mass is held 9:45-11 a.m. Tuesdays, through March 4. For more information or to register, call 412-279-7070.
At The Bible Chapel, McMurray, the sermon series “Owning My Influence” will take place through March 30.
• Classes for the whole family, including Bible Institute for adults and Revi Club for kids, takes place 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesdays at the South Hills campus. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Cost is $6 per person or $20 per family.
• Women’s Bible study, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays, South Hills campus.
• Tuesday Night Light for young adults, 7 p.m. Tuesdays in the Youth Activity Center, South Hills campus. Celebrate the New Year with SALT Young Adult Ministry. All young adults are welcome regardless of relationship status.
• March for Life, Jan. 22. Bus transportation will be offered from the South Hills campus to Washington, D.C. To reserve a seat, visit the website.
• Encountering the Footsteps of Jesus Tour, March 31-April 9. Reservations for the full package tour including airfare can be made until Feb. 3.
• Kids Resale – consignors wanted with gently used or new kids clothing and toys. Proceeds benefit local pregnancy resource centers.
For more information, visit
At Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Bethel Park, an 11-week study on the book of Revelation entitled “Here and Now…There and Then” by Beth Moore will be offered. Women’s classes will be offered at 10 a.m. Tuesday mornings and 7 p.m. Wednesday evenings, beginning Jan. 28 and 29. This study will also be offered at 7 p.m. Monday evenings beginning Jan. 27 for anyone wishing to learn more about the book. For more information, call 412-884-2722.
At the Hebrew School for the Arts, winter session classes for ages 4-13 are forming. Children will enjoy small classes and individualized attention at Crowne Plaza South in Bethel Park and Chabad of the South Hills in Mt. Lebanon.
No membership or affiliation required. For more information or to register, call 412-344-2424 or visit
At Calvary Full Gospel Church, Bridgeville, Pastor Bob Pilardi will begin his new sermon series, “God’s Plan/Our Purpose.”
• Wednesday evening classes for all ages are held at 7 p.m.
• Selah Dance Academy, a non-competitive Christian dance school, will begin winter classes for students age 2 ½ and older. For more information, call the church or email
For more information, call 412-257-1707.
At Central Assembly of God, Houston, a trip to Lancaster to see the new musical “Moses” is being planned. To obtain an information packet, call the church at 724-746-4900 during normal business hours, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.