School News – Jan. 15
Jubilee Christian School, an inter-denominational school for grades K-8 located in Mt. Lebanon, will host an open house event on at 10 a.m. Jan. 23. Parents and prospective students are invited to attend a brief informational session then meet with the school’s principal and tour school facilities. Jubilee has begun accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. In addition, the school currently has openings for students in second through seventh grade who wish to transfer from public, private or home-school settings for the current school year.
In addition to hands-on activities, projects and field experiences, students also enjoy Spanish, gym, art, library, basketball and volleyball. Jubilee fosters spiritual development founded on Biblical principles.
For more information, contact Judi Phelps at 412-561-5917 or, or visit
Western Pennsylvania high school seniors are encouraged to enter the Eighth Annual “Words to be Heard” Scholarship Contest sponsored by Edgar Snyder & Associates.
The law firm is asking seniors to create programs that will prevent their peers from underage drinking, drunk driving or distracted driving. Students can submit entries using a number of creative options, including videos, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, websites, essays or any other approach they feel will effectively get the message across to their classmates.
A panel of outside judges will review the submissions and award one grand prize scholarship of $5,000, three second place scholarships of $2,500, and three runners-up scholarships of $1,000 that will go toward the students’ continued education.
High schools seniors entering the contest must plan to attend a four-year college or university in the summer or fall of 2014. All submissions must be postmarked on or before March 28.
For official rules or to request more information, visit, or call Edgar Snyder & Associates at 1-800-394-3660 ext. 4412.
The National Society of Accountants (NSA) Scholarship Foundation is accepting scholarship applications from promising accounting students across the country.
The Foundation awards scholarships to undergraduates who are U.S. or Canadian citizens majoring in accounting at an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the United States.
Applicants for awards are judged on the basis of scholastic achievement, demonstrated leadership, participation in school and community activities, honors, and work experience. They must have a “B” (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better grade point average.
Scholarships typically range from $500-$2,000 and 30 or more scholarships are awarded each year.
Scholarship applications are due March 31. To apply, review application guidelines and for additional information, visit