School News – Feb. 5
The Keystone Oaks School District will conduct its annual kindergarten registration in February for district children who are eligible for kindergarten in August 2014.
Children must be at least 5 years old before Sept. 1, 2014, to be eligible for admission during the 2014-2015 school year.
To register, parents should bring their child’s health, dental and immunization records as well as the child’s proof of age, which may include a state-issued birth certificate, a notarized copy of a birth certificate, a passport, a baptismal certificate or a copy of the record of baptism (duly certified and showing the date of birth as well as notarized statement from the parents or another relative indicating the date of birth).
Parents of newly enrolled students will also be asked to produce two proofs of residency, which may include things like a deed, a lease, a current utility bill, a current property tax bill, a current credit card statement or a valid PA driver’s license.
Parents may also obtain registration materials online ahead of time at under the New Student Registration tab.
Registration dates/times are as follows, and no appointment is necessary to register:
• Fred L. Aiken Elementary School – 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Feb. 6. An additional kindergarten registration window will be available to Green Tree residents from 5-7 p.m. Feb. 6. Call 412-571-6240 for more information.
• Dormont Elementary School – 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Feb. 11-12. An additional kindergarten registration window will be available to Dormont residents from 5-7 p.m. Feb. 12. Call 412-571-6125 for more information.
• Myrtle Avenue Elementary – 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Feb. 25-26. An additional kindergarten registration window will be available to Castle Shannon residents from 5-7 p.m. Feb. 26. Call 412-571-6135 for more information.
Nine Bethel Park High School musicians successfully auditioned and have been selected to play in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association’s District Band Concert, which will be held Feb. 7 at Charleroi High School.
Representing Bethel Park in this event will be seniors Tori Chorey (e-flat soprano clarinet), Phoebe Gorges (French horn) and Mary Hannah Swaney (flute); juniors Josh Como (baritone saxophone), Corey Kroboth (clarinet) and Matea Pranjic (bass clarinet); as well as sophomores Emma Davin (clarinet), Molly Gorges (oboe) and Joe Wasko (tuba). The students are taught by Bethel Park High School Band Director Chad Thompson.
Washington County Parks is offering a homeschool outdoor classroom at Mingo Creek Park on Feb. 13. Tricky Tracks will be held at the park office for ages 5-11. Session I begins at 10 a.m.; session II at 1 p.m.
Identify samples of animal tracks and make a plaster cast to take home.
Fee is $1. To register, call 724-228-6867.
Creative Learning Collaborative and the Titanium Titans #4467 Robotics Team, two rookie FIRST Technology (FTC) Robotics Teams made up of seventh through ninth grade students and formed last September, both advanced to the Semifinals at the Southwestern PA FTC Regional Tournament held Jan. 18 at Shady Side Academy in Fox Chapel.
Team Tech-No-Logic #7143 qualified as the fourth ranked alliance captain for the Semifinals, and Team A.I.R. #7058 was chosen as an alliance partner for the third ranked alliance team. Tech-No-Logic was knocked out of the finals after experiencing electronic problems in competition, while A.I.R.’s alliance went on to win the Finals match in the last round. A.I.R. #7058 will now advance to the FTC PA State Championship on March 1 at Millersville University.
A.I.R. #7058 team members include: Christian Wren, Joshua Zeisloft, Vineeth Sharma, Tanish Rastogi, Ty Hartman, Tate Hartman, Nick Meyers, James Grosz, Reese Benonis and Graham Kretschmar; and mentors include Nirmala Sharma, Eric Zeisloft and Aaron Hartman.
Tech-No-Logic #7143 team members include: Dan Witkowski, Nathan Levin, Grant Ogburn, Carson Zakis, Nicki Phelps, Gerry Pasquale, Anthony Romero, Christian Pierce, Adam Robertson and Justin Corbin; and mentors include Jack Levin, Patrick Ogburn, Paul Romero and Angelo Zakis.
To learn more about becoming a part of the FTC team, visit the Creative Learning Collaborative Website at New team member information sessions will be held in May.
Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA has school programs available for preschool through college students in Washington County.
For more information, call 724-223-5477.