South Fayette School Board president’s arrogance unacceptable
Public discourse hit a new low when South Fayette School Board president Leonard Fornella told a reporter for the Trib, “I won’t give incomplete, indecipherable financial information to a novice who won’t understand it,” as reported in the July 9 Almanac.
Such condescending arrogance and contumely are unacceptable from any public official under any circumstances, the more so when the reporter was seeking public information that should be readily available when it pertains to building expansion plans for any school district.
Two lines from Ogden Nash’s poem, “The Politician,” would seem to apply to Mr. Fornella: “Whether elected or appointed, he considers himself the Lord’s anointed.”
And, I couldn’t help but remember Mark Twain’s words: “First, God created idiots. That was for practice. Then, he made school boards.”
Here’s hoping the news organizations that have taken action under Right to Know statutes will be successful. Unfortunately, there is no such legislation against consummate arrogance.
By the way – did you ever see a politician wearing a hat? Naw. They can’t find one big enough to fit. The cost to custom-make a hat for Leonard Fornella would be astronomical.
Ross A. Matlack Jr.
Mt. Lebanon