Organist Paul Jacobs to perform

Aug. 22
Paul Jacobs to perform
The Music & Arts Series of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Upper St. Clair, presents America’s most celebrated concert organist, Paul Jacobs, at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 22 in the sanctuary.
A native of Washington, Pa., Jacobs returns to the church where at age 23 he played all of Bach’s solo organ works to mark the 250th year of the composer’s death. That 18-hour marathon concert in 2000 laid the foundation for Jacobs’ remarkable career, which includes the first Grammy Award for a solo organ recording. Jacobs heads the organ department at Julliard and this summer led the newly created organ institute for the 2014 season of the renowned Oregon Bach Festival.
Suggested donation is $10.
Westminster’s Music & Arts Series presents a variety of concerts throughout the year, made possible by the generous support of the audiences. After each program, exhibits of visual art are open in the church’s gallery.
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