Aug. 2
ULTRAparty, Mt. Lebanon’s premiere summer street party, will take place Aug. 2. Enjoy live music and refreshments in desirable and easy-to-access Uptown Mt. Lebanon.
Come early for ULTRAkids FamilyFest. From 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Clearview Common, there will be entertainment by DJ Zombo and other activities. Meet Snoopy, who will be helping with the Mt. Lebanon Police Child ID Clinic. Then, party in the street from 8 p.m.-midnight with beer, food vendors and entertainment. Be there by 9 p.m. to be part of a Guinness World Record-breaking attempt for the most people wearing balloon hats.
ULTRAparty benefits the ACCESSIBLE LEBO INITIATIVE, supporting accessibility and inclusion for those with special needs and different abilities. Last year’s event drew more than 1,500 people.
For more information and a complete schedule, visit www.ultrapartylebo.com.