
Seniors – June 4

3 min read

Historian Tim Neff will transport artifacts in an Army foot locker to re-live a day in the life of a soldier from World War II at a free event for seniors to be held at 2:30 p.m. June 6 at Vanadium Woods Village, Bridgeville. Learn of a soldier’s daily routine, duties, meals and more during World War II. For more information, call 412-221-2900.

The Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church, Mt. Lebanon, offers lunch, entertainment, information and fellowship for older adults at 11 a.m. Fridays, September through June, that are free and open to all. Lunch is served at noon for $6 and no reservations are necessary.

• June 6: Show and Tell. This day will be all about the members of the AIC and their varied backgrounds and interests.

• June 13: Mary Todd Lincoln. Joanne Shelby-Klein will be dressed as Mrs. Lincoln to tell her story and that of other women during the Civil War era.

For questions, call director Carla Campbell at 412-343-8900.

Collier Township Parks & Recreation will hold a senior luncheon and movie matinee at noon on June 10 in the Community Room of the municipal building.

Cost is $5/residents and $6/non-residents. Preregistration is required by June 6 and is limited to the first 50 paid reservations. Register in person or by mail at: 2418 Hilltop Road, Presto, PA 15142.

AFSCME Retired Chapter 13, sub-chapter #8402 will meet at 1 p.m. June 10 at Frank Sarris Public Library, Canonsburg. Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month except January and February. All state retired employees welcome.

The Devonshire of Mt. Lebanon will sponsor its annual picnic June 10 for senior adults and their adult guests at the Mt. Lebanon Rec Center, 2nd floor. Check-in is at 10:30 a.m. Mt. Lebanon residency is not required.

Fee of $6, due by June 6, includes bingo games and prizes, entertainment by the Pittsburgh South Hills Keystone Chorus, a cookout and 50/50 raffle. Preregistration is required. Walk-ins are not encouraged and will only be accepted if space permits, but a late fee will be charged.

Call 412-343-3409 for more information or to register.

Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, will hold a seniors lunch at noon on June 10, featuring a presentation on summer safety. Suggested donation is $5. Wheelchair accessible. RSVP at 412-278-2658 or barb@chabadshcom.

The Retired Men’s Luncheon Group of Pleasant Hills will meet at noon on June 19 in the Fellowship Hall of the Pleasant Hills Community Presbyterian Church.

Local resident and author George Wilson will speak on the history of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Cost for lunch only is $7. Call the church office at 412-655-2000 by June 13 to be included in the lunch order.

Aging Institute of UPMC Senior Services, University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Health Plan sponsors Inspiring New Solutions and Providing Individualized Resources and Education at Mt. Lebanon Public Library. Classes are free. To register, call 412-864-2092.


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