Surveillance cameras key to catching criminals
The essential nature of the prevalence of surveillance cameras in today’s society is noted again as it was a key component in the great police work which led to the arrest of a man suspected in the killings of East Liberty sisters Susan and Sarah Wolfe, who were slaughtered in their home in February by the type of terrorist who poses a far greater threat to us than those from Saudi Arabia or Yemen.
Dr. Sarah Wolfe’s 2013 purchase of a $210,000 home with a security system in a safe and friendly city like Pittsburgh would have led a reasonable person to conclude that the sisters would be able to live their lives in peace, but it was not to be. (Source: Allegheny County real estate website: 701 Chislett Street)
The person who committed this crime is a savage beast, one who is and is likely to always be a menace to society, a twisted individual with a depraved indifference to human life.
The police are confident that they have their man, and there appears to be an overwhelming amount of evidence against this career criminal, including through DNA. The case can be made that someone with his lengthy rap sheet, which includes a conviction for bank robbery, should not have been free to continue to harm innocent people.
I cannot imagine the fear experienced by the neighbors in this community as a vicious killer was on the loose for many weeks. Thankfully, they can now rest a bit easier.
The public will be watching the legal proceedings to come with the hope that the person who perpetrated an atrocity against two innocent contributors to society will be punished to the fullest extent of the law, which in Pennsylvania, regrettably does not include the death penalty.
To those members of law enforcement who worked so hard and painstakingly to crack this notorious crime, I say, “Thank you and bless you. You are worth your weight in gold!”
Oren Spiegler
Upper St. Clair