Seniors – March 19
Castle Shannon Library plans the following computer classes for age 50 and older:
• Windows 8, 10:15 a.m. March 20. Bring your laptop.
• Skype, 10:15 a.m. March 26, 27. $5 for both classes.
Register at the library.
Vanadium Woods Village, Scott Township, plans a Credit and Debit Card Fraud Seminar at 2:30 p.m. March 27. Free.
To register, call 412-221-2900.
Senior citizen golf passes are currently being sold at the South Park Golf Course between 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Those age 60 and up are eligible to purchase the pass for $80 for residents and $100 for non-residents.
Passes are not valid on Fridays, Saturdays or Sunday, and are not issued on those days either. Pass holders will also be responsible for daily rates of $8 for 18-holes ($10 if non-resident) or $5 for 9-holes ($6 for non-residents). Season locker rentals are also available at $25 for residents and $31 for non-residents.
The tentative opening date for the 2014 Regular Golf Season is March 28, weather and conditions permitting.
For more information, call the South Park Golf Course at 412-835-3545.
Home Instead Senior Care will sponsor an Alzheimer’s Care training workshop at 6 p.m. March 25. Learn to manage behaviors, encourage engagement and care for themselves while caring for a loved one. RSVP to 412-595-7554.
Peters Township Parks and Rec Center will sponsor a senior bus trip, “Bundles of Fun,” on March 27. Tour the Bedford area: Fisher’s Country Store, Oak Spring Winery, Marzoni’s Brick Oven, Boyer Candy Company, Benzel’s Pretzel Bakery and more. Depart at 6:30 a.m., return about 7 p.m. Cost is $116. For details, call 724-942-5000.
Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church, Mt. Lebanon, meets at 11 a.m. on Fridays. Lunch is served at noon for $6. For details, call 412-343-8900.