
Peters Township Junior Football Association to get new scoreboard

4 min read

The current scoreboard at Hofbauer Field in Peterswood Park in Peters Township is about 15 years old and is showing its age. Replacing the scoreboard, to be used by the junior football association and the lacrosse team, will cost between $16,000 and $18,000, with the junior football association hoping to raise the amount through advertising.

Representatives of the association appeared before township council March 24 to request an amendment to the current ordinance that limits scoreboards to 20 square feet. To help cover costs, the association would like to include four advertisers and that would increase the scoreboard to 65-square feet.

Township Manager Michael Silvestri said the scoreboard would be used by the football association and the lacrosse team, but would be on township property, and would be owned and maintained by the township once it is erected on Hofbauer Field. The amendment also changes the restriction that no advertisements would appear above the numbers on the scoreboard. As presented, the new scoreboard would have two advertisers on the top and two on the lower portion.

Once the amendment was approved, Silvestri said he would begin to solicit bids from advertisers. All of the money raised will go toward the cost of the scoreboard.

Mark Imgrund, president of the Montour Trail Council in Peters, presented his annual report of progress and proposed improvements on the trail in 2014. Imgrund said Valley Brook Bridge No. 1 was completed in 2013 and construction on Valley Brook Bridge No. 2 is slated to begin by the end of the year and to be complete in the spring of 2015. Bids are to go at the end of April or the beginning of May. When questioned about dogs on the trail without a leash, Imgrund said dogs must be on a leash and that signs along the trail may need to be updated.

In other action, council:

• Asked Ed Zuk, planning director, to investigate single-family homes that are in areas zoned Residential-2. Zoning does not permit single-family homes in the R-2 district and, according to Zuk, the planning commission does not wish to change the zoning as the members feel R-2 zoning encourages multi-family housing. The issue came up when one of the homeowners attempted to re-finance a house on Camp Lane and was denied by the bank. The other properties are on Sheriff’s Court and Maid Marion. If the house is destroyed by fire or natural causes, the single-family house could not be rebuilt on the same property under current ordinances.

• Voted to assess $4,300 – half the amount of $8,600 – in liquidated damages for late delivery of salt by the supplier Cargill Inc.

• Amended the sewage plan for the Peters Creek Sanitary Authority to include the Richetti Plan covering a two-lot subdivision on Sienna Trail. The township is served by two sewage systems, Peters Creek and the Peters Township Sanitary Authority. Council member Monica Merrell, who represents those in the Peters Creek system, said a rate increase is coming to cover the cost of a bond issue floated to built a new treatment plant in Clairton. The state Department of Environmental Protection turned down a request previously for Peters Creek to build its own treatment plant.

• Announced ballots were returned regarding the traffic calming measures for Center Church and Johnston roads. Residents approved a request for a two-phase project with phase one being stop signs and speed signs. Phase two involves construction of traffic islands. Council voted unanimously to proceed with phase one.

• Announced the township received the deed for the former Pleasant Valley Elementary School on Bower Hill Road. The public works department cleared some of the area and removed a large tree growing through the middle of the brick building and the roof. The township will begin to seek grants and to look for interested organizations to help to restore the building located almost across the street from Bower Hill Elementary School.


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