Seniors – May 7
Adult Interest Center at Southminster Presbyterian Church meets at 11 a.m. Fridays. Lunch is served at noon for $6. For details, call 412-343-8900.
Aging Institute of UPMC Senior Services, University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Health Plan sponsors Inspiring New Solutions and Providing Individualized Resources and Education at Mt. Lebanon Public Library. Classes are free. To register, call 412-864-2092.
Chabad of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon, will hold a seniors luncheon at noon on May 13, featuring a flowers and friendship presentation by a professional gardener. Suggested donation is $5. Wheelchair accessible. To register, call 412-278-2658 or email
AFSCME Retired Chapter 13 #8402 will meet at 1 p.m. May 13 at Frank Sarris Public Library, Canonsburg.