Cat shot with BB pellet in Peters Township
Peters Township police are seeking information about an incident where a cat was shot with a BB pellet as it roamed the Venetia area between May 10 and 11, township police said.
The cat’s owner said the animal was outside during the weekend and returned May 11. The next day, the owner, whose name was not released, noticed the cat was limping on its rear leg and took it to the veterinarian, who determined the cat had been shot, police said. The incident was reported to police at 12:10 p.m. May 12.
“We’ve had a couple reports in the last week of windows being hit with a BB,” said police Chief Harry Fruecht. “And now, the cruelty to animals.”
Chapter 6 under conduct in the township ordinances, part 2, pages 6-5, number 51, prohibits firing of single-shot projectiles, such as BB guns. In addition to BB pellets, the ordinance prohibits firing, among others, rifles, air guns, bows and arrows, sling shots, paintballs and soft air guns, Fruecht said.
“People need to be aware,” the chief said. “If they have weapons, they need to be secure and they need to keep them away from children.”
Anyone with information about the incident involving the cat or the firing of BB pellets or other single-shot projectiles, is asked to all police during the week between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at 724-942-5030, or emergency 911.