Low voter turnout and unsurprising results
There were few surprises in the primary election May 20 when only about 20 percent of registered voters went to the polls to select candidates for the November election.
Incumbent Republican Gov. Tom Corbett was unopposed, as was incumbent Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley.
After taking a huge lead in the early polls and fierce television advertising, Democrat Tom Wolf easily defeated other Democrat candidates Robert McCord, Katie McGinty and Alyson Schwartz ensuring that Wolf will face Corbett in the fall.
In the Democrat race for Lt. Gov., local state Rep. Brandon Neuman trailed candidates Mark Critz, Mark Smith and battled neck-and-neck with Brad Koplinski before Koplinski pulled ahead. Mike Stack was the top vote getter and will be the Democrat candidate against Cawley.
Locally, incumbent state Rep. Jesse White, D-Cecil, was locked in a tight race against fellow Democrat Tom Casciola, a Cecil Township supervisor. White, the projected winner, will face Republican Jason Ortitay in the November election. Ortitay ran unopposed.
Also locally, incumbent state Sen. Tim Solobay, D-Canonsburg, ran unopposed in the 46th Senatorial district and will be in a race in the general election with Republican Camera Bartolotta, who was unopposed in the primary.
State Rep. in the 48th district Brandon Neuman, D-North Strabane, ran unopposed as the incumbent on the Democrat side, and will face Republican Sonia Stopperich, who ran unopposed in the general election.
State Rep. John Maher, R-Upper St. Clair, ran unopposed in the 40th state district and with no candidate on the Democrat ticket, will face no opposition in November.
U.S. Congressman Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, ran unopposed on the Republican side and with no Democrat candidate, Murphy will also face no opposition.