Editorial reaches non-sequitur conclusion
The Nov. 19 editorial, “Country needs tighter gun laws” is disappointing considering it is supposedly written by a professional staff. The editorial addresses the tragedy of a shooting and killing a family member. The article makes some good points, and then reaches a non-sequitur conclusion.
The editorial states that this was an absolutely a tragic accident, and one that could have been prevented if this country would buck up and impose tighter gun control laws. The editorial states that this (incident) happened as a result of carelessness and a false sense of security that the gun wasn’t loaded and couldn’t go off. The editorial concludes that the laws need to tighten up, and those responsible citizens who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights should be required to take a gun safety class before being able to purchase a weapon.
While this latter suggestion may have merit for anyone likely to handle a weapon, the incident cited has no relationship to the purchase of a gun. Laws will not prevent such incidents.
Don Harrison
Bethel Park