Senior Fair at new location

The Eighth annual senior fair hosted by State Senator Matt Smith (D-Mt. Lebanon) will be held Oct. 22 at Beth El Congregation, 1900 Cochran Road, Scott Township.
“This is a one stop shop for area seniors, and a new program we’ve included this year is having the attorney general’s office hold a senior fraud seminar. Those will be held from 12:00-12:30, and 12:30-1:00 p.m.,” Smith said.
The event runs from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
In addition to housing, financial and retirement advice, there will be representatives with the state department of labor and industry to advise on employment opportunities.
Free flu and pneumonia shots will be offered, as well as general medical screenings for things like bone density, blood pressure and respiratory health.
Parking is available on-site, and shuttle services will be offered at St. Simon and Jude Parish, 1607 Greentree Road.