Administrative changes in the Peters Township School District
After 12 years as principal at Bower Hill Elementary School in the Peters Township School District, Kelly L. Gustafson submitted her resignation during the regular school board meeting Oct. 20. No effective date was announced.
Gustafson will begin her new position as coordinator of elementary education, federal programs and instruction in the Greensburg Salem School District at an annual salary of $110,175.
Following the meeting, Gustafson said the resignation was “bittersweet” and when she told the elementary teachers of her impending change, it was an “ugly cry,” she said. After several Peters Township board members expressed regrets at her resignation, Gustafson had to leave the board room for a tissue – actually, toilet paper – she said with a laugh.
In her new position, Gustafson said her job will be about a six-minute commute from her home and she will oversee three elementary schools.
The board also unanimously approved the change of classification moving Michael W. Fisher, currently principal of Pleasant Valley Elementary School, to assistant to the superintendent for curriculum, instruction and assessment. His salary will be $105,000. And, as with Gustafson, no effective date was announced. Only board member Lynn Erenberg was absent from the meeting.
In other action, the board:
• Unanimously approved the administration and HDR Architects and Engineers to submit a PlanCon Part A and Part B for the McMurray Elementary School project to the state Department of Education. The proposed multi-million dollar renovation will, hopefully, be partially funded the state. Board member William Merrell said without financial assistance from the state, district taxpayers could see a 4-to-5-mill increase to cover construction costs. About 160 districts in the state are in line to receive more than $1 billion in funding.
•Established a committee to review how students are assessed through final exams and final grades. The district will use email to notify how those who are interested in serving may apply. The committee, which will be chaired by board member Sue Smith, will report progress to the board by the February board meeting.
• Announced the new Raptor security system to enter district buildings was implemented last week.
• Swore in Dr. Jennifer Murphy, the new assistant superintendent, by District Judge James Ellis.
• Awarded a bid for $19,011 to Kinetics Audio for new audio visual equipment for the board meeting room. The new cameras will use digital technology.
• Announced the 2015-16 budget review will begin at the start of November.