PCO opens 56th season with ‘Dancing With the Stars’-inspired concert

Nov. 8
‘Dancing With the Stars’
The Pittsburgh Civic Orchestra’s 56th season promises to be spectacular with music influenced by popular television shows.
For the first concert of the season, “Dancing With the Stars,” inspired by the TV show of the same name, will take place at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Upper St. Clair High School Theater. Music will include Pioneer Dances, classical ballet music, a Russian Sailor’s Dance and Tango music.
Stars include members of the Ballet Academy of Pittsburgh, who will be performing dances from Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake.” Student dancers from the South Hills-based classical ballet school include Emily Caruso, Claire Georgiadis, Megan Carnuche, Kara Gisleson, Ava King, Bridie McQuade, Kyra Piper, Rebecca Quinn (pictured), Mary Joy White, Sadie Hilf, Tommie Kesten, Morrin McEwen, Maeve Sentner and Jordan Spradlin.
Tickets at $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students 13 and older, may be purchased at the door. Children 12 and under are free.
For more information, call 412-279-4030 or visit www.pittsburghcivicorchestra.net/.