Scott Township pool to close for good Aug. 16
Summer is coming to a close, and so is the Scott Township Pool – Aug. 16, 2015, was ratified as Ron Ellis Day at the Scott Pool, in honor of its manager, who has been at the helm of the pool for 46 of the last 48 years. The old pool will be closed on that day, allowing for the ground breaking of the new pool.
Scott Township resident Dave King will photograph various stages of the construction of the new pool.
At the workshop agenda meeting on Aug. 11, commissioners added several items to the agenda for the next voting meeting, Aug. 25.
The board agreed to add:
• Granting approval for Chartier Enterprises, Inc.’s plan to consolidate 11 lots in Ward 6 and construct a new building for Atlas Wholesale.
• Approving partial payment of $15,888.33 to Stefanik’s Next Generation Contracting company for storm sewer approval.
• Approving several paving bids, including the apron at Swallow Hill and Greentree Road; the apron at Kerr Road; Swallow Hill/Greentree and Kerr Road and Access Drive on Park Alley.
• Approving final payment for the demolition of 216 Noblestown Road.
• Decreasing the non-uniform pension plan from 2 percent to 1 percent.
Also at the workshop meeting, commissioners decided to not share the cost of a traffic study with Carnegie Borough showing the impact of truck traffic on roads in Carnegie that originated in Scott Township. The study would have cost the township $3,500.