Environmentalists need to embrace natural gas development
Yes, people in the energy industry do care about the environment. We all want to breath clean air and we all want to drink fresh water.
It’s called responsible energy development. It seems that a large majority of the anti oil and gas crowd like to point fingers. But, here’s reality – globally, we are all using unquantifiable amounts of energy.
My life-long mission is to provide this wonderful country with affordable, abundant energy. While I’m doing this, along the way, giving back to the environment is key. The energy industry is known for land reclamation and has perfected this to a tee after countless responsibly-engineered pipeline and drilling projects.
In fact, the environmentalists should be thanking the modern shale revolution for doing two things: driving down the prices at the gas pumps substantially and also reducing carbon emissions via the shift from coal to natural gas.
Instead of complaining about dependable energy development, embrace change. The Pennsylvania industry has been here for some time now, and their main focus is not to tear up backyards, but to leverage thousands of backyards to provide the nation with the energy we need to live comfortably.
Adam Larson
Bethel Park