Upper St. Clair proposed budget holds the line on taxes
At a public hearing during the Upper St. Clair commissioners’ Nov. 2 regular meeting, finance director Mark Romito presented a balanced $20.46 million general fund budget for 2016 with no tax increase.
The real estate tax rate remains at 3.83 mils, the earned income tax rate remains at 0.8 percent, and the sewer usage multiplier remains at 2.25.
Included in the proposed budget are contractual hourly raise increases of 2.25 percent for public works employees, and 2.5 percent for police.
Capital projects for 2016 included $1.5 million for the township’s road program, $300,000 for storm sewer projects, and $950,000 for public safety vehicles, which includes $800,000 for the purchase of a new fire truck.
Expenditures from the sanitary sewer fund include $3.66 million in sewer processing fees and $1.57 million in major sewer maintenance and rehabilitation expenses.
The proposed budget is available for review at the township offices, the Upper St. Clair library, and online at www.twpusc.org.
The board is expected to vote on the final budget at the Dec. 7 meeting.
In old business, the board approved conditional use for outdoor dining Pazzo Italian Bistro. Pazzo, located at 1614 Washington Road, requested the same conditional uses and modifications as the former tenant, Stone Pepper Grill. Those conditions include outdoor dining until 12 a.m. Monday through Friday, and until 2 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday, and the current 93-parking space configuration.
The board also adopted the township’s 2015-2025 comprehensive plan, which focuses on commitments to responsibility, connectivity, outreach and civic space.
The complete comprehensive plan can be found at www.twpusc.org/comm-dev/comprehensive_plan.