Donations of clothes for children taken on Halloween in Mt. Lebanon

In cooperation with the Mt. Lebanon Police Association and Mt. Lebanon High School, the Salvation Army Pittsburgh Temple and Worship Center seeks to ensure that local children are protected against the winter elements.
The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services will participate in the Mt. Lebanon Halloween parade Oct. 31. Following the parade, volunteers will be on hand from noon to 3 p.m. in the Southmimster Presbyterian Church parking lot to collect donations of gently used coats, sweatshirts, sweaters, scarves, hats, boots, shoes, gloves and other cold-weather wear for children.
Adult coats will be accepted, as well.
The donations will be sorted and cleaned, and then distributed by the Salvation Army Pittsburgh Temple and Worship Center, 1060 McNeilly Road. Those in need of winter outerwear can call 412-207-2127.
Donations can be made after Oct. 31 at the Mt. Lebanon Police Association, 555 Washington Road, Level B.