Week of Sept. 9
Castle Shannon
Simple Assault: Bradley Taylor, 23, of 938 Oakdale Ave., was arrested for simple assault Aug. 30 on Oakdale Avenue, police said.
Two arrested: Police charged Bradley Wesolowski, 19, of Hot Springs, Ark., and Jonathan Stancil, 41, of 850 Baldwin St., with simple assault stemming from an Aug. 28 incident on Baldwin Street.
Peters Township
Breaking and entering: Police arrested Corey O’Toole, 23, Sept. 1 in the parking lot of Arrowhead Trail on West McMurray Road. According to reports, O’Toole was seen breaking a window of a vehicle in the parking lot. Two civilians kept O’Toole trapped in the vehicle until police could arrive. O’Toole was charged with theft from a vehicle and criminal mischief. He was arraigned before District Judge James Ellis who set bond at $25,000. O’Toole was taken to the Washington County Jail.