Mt. Lebanon archery hunt will torture deer
As a resident of Mt. Lebanon, I am shocked and appalled that the commissioners have selected archery hunting over a fully-funded sterilization program proposed by the head of the PA Humane Society of the United States.
Mt. Lebanon has a denser population than Fox Chapel or Upper St. Clair, where other deer culling methods have been in place for some time.
The commissioners had a duty to select a safe method, not only for the residents, but for pets and children as well. When deer start running into traffic with arrows sticking out of them, it won’t be a pretty sight.
Cecil the Lion was shot by a crossbow and was tracked for 40 hours until it died a torturous, slow death. That will be the fate of the deer in Mt. Lebanon, and what kind of message does that teach our children?
Jan Seybold
Mt. Lebanon