HopeFest 2015 to raise funds for Canonsburg youth center

Sept. 26
HopeFest 2015
In an effort to raise funds for the creation of a youth center in Canonsburg, Youth for Christ will hold HopeFest 2015 on Sept. 26. The event will feature Scott Caraboolad and the Ride4Life Team, BMX stunt bicycles, live music and more. “Sure the StarBoyz kill the streets, but I’ll let you in on the secrets of my life; share with you a story of success and failure, of misery and happiness, of addiction and salvation … the renewal of my faith and why I’m able to be here today,” states StarBoyScott. “The R4L Crusade is about providing hope and inspiration for everyone.”
Through the generosity of donors, Youth for Christ has acquired the former National Guard Armory building in Canonsburg. The organization hopes to transform this 18,000 square foot historical landmark, equipped with a full gymnasium, into a youth center, which will provide after school academic programs, athletic programs, mentoring, Campus Life club meetings and community partnership programs.
To date, $517,628 has been raised for the renovation, but another $232,372 is still needed.
To learn more about the event, co-sponsored by Observer Publishing Company, visit www.thearmoryyouthcenter.org.